Annual Church Service and Reception 25 Sept:  Save the date
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Faith Group Forum

Inaugural event - Thursday 26 February at 6 p.m.

The new Faith group was mentioned in an earlier Newsletter, and we are happy to tell you that the initial event will be a Forum mounted jointly by the St Ethelburga’s Centre and WCoMC on Thursday 26 February at 6 pm. The topic is ‘After Islamic State, can Religious Freedom survive’ , with speakers Professor David Ford, Director of the Cambridge Interfaith programme, and Dr Usama Hasan, Senior Researcher at the Quilliam Foundation, both top ranking professionals in their field.

Timing is likely to be as follows:

6.00 pm: Arrival and refreshments, including wine, tea/coffee, soft drinks and nibbles;
6.30 pm: Welcome and introductions by St Ethelburga’s staff
6.45 pm: Main speakers and discussion chaired by Edward Sankey
8.30 pm: Estimated time of ending the evening event

There will be an interval during the main session during which time refreshments will be available.   We are in the process of choosing a venue for those interested in having a light meal immediately following the event.

If you plan to come, whether or not you have already booked via the above website, could you please let John Watson know at, indicating also whether or not you would like to join the light supper party afterwards?

Full details and booking arrangements can be accessed at:

We hope that many Company members will participate in this venture. Why do we think that this is such an important issue? We fear that the increasing polarisation of faiths in different countries and the discrimination of minorities currently taking place is threatening world security, and the future of civilised societies. Research carried out shows that horrifying acts of false imprisonment and executions are accepted as the norm in many countries today. Consequently the Faith Group aims initially to:

  • Explore the current situation in specific countries, such as Nigeria, Iran, Pakistan, Egypt to highlight the reality of abuses and the main causes behind the discrimination involved.

  • Bring to attention the positive work being carried out by organisations such as Christian Solidarity Worldwide to campaign for Religious Freedom, both at the UN and via a network of associates in key countries.

  • Consider how this threat could affect  commercial life in the City of London, and identify possible steps we might wish to take, corporately and individually, to alleviate the situation.

All Company members are by definition honorary members of the Faith Group. Please support this initial venture and bring along other Liverymen as your guests.                                                                                                                           


                                                             John Watson                                                                           John McLean Fox