The WCoMC Wine Course (flexible dates):  Self-paced Online
Drinks in the City 6 Nov:  The Conductor, Fleet Street
Click here for our rolling calendar or here for City events

A selection of City Events

Upcoming Events for your Diary (updated: 20th May 2024)

We highlight below a few events not listed in our calendar, which members of our Company may wish to support. These are events typically notified to us through the City Briefings or through the Clerks' Network. There are other events, such as Common Hall and United Guilds, which we include in our calendar, usually following them with a traditional lunch as an opportunity for members to get together.

We will endeavour to to keep this page up-to-date. If anyone knows of suitable events to include, please contact us via or Thank you.

Tuesday 4th June 2024 - 18:00 - "The Future is still Human?"

“This house believes that human interaction is the path to increased productivity”
A debate organised by Five Modern Livery Companies: Information Technologists, Educators, Management Consultants, Communicators and HR Professionals

Knowledge, Information and Human Potential.......

As the UK heads for a General Election, there is no shortage of views on what any new government’s priorities need to be. And we can be sure that growth and productivity will be at the heart of the economic policy agenda, irrespective of who is in power. With debates raging about the role that Artificial Intelligence (and related innovations) will play in the future world of work and business, now is a good time to examine just how far human potential can be realised. And why it matters to have the human touch.  For more information click on this link

Information Technologists Hall - an open event to LIvery Members and their Guests - followed by drinks and light refreshments - click here to book (£20 per peson)


The Brigantes Breakfast - St Georges Hall, Liverpool

The annual North of England lunch for Liverymen of all City of London Livery Companies and their guests

For more information go to:

Saturday 20th July 2024 - (10:00 - 15:00 hours)
Cart Marking - Guildhall Yard, Gresham Street, London EC2V 7HH

Cart Marking showcases a truly unique collection of transport dating back from the horse and cart, to the latest, cleanest, greenest, and safest in use today.

The regulation and marking of carts in the City of London dates back over 500 years to the early days of the City with the ceremony of Cart Marking evolving over time. The history of this event, the first know system for licensing of vehicles, is brought back to life with a modern twist at this event.

You will see vehicles ranging from handcarts, horse and carts, and horses and carriages to steam engines, military vehicles and motorcycles. With historic, vintage and specialist vehicles – new and old – including the latest vehicles powered by electricity and hydrogen on display.

Everyone is welcome to this free to attend event in the Guildhall yard.

Why not bring your friends and family along for a Saturday morning with a difference?

For more information please go to: or

Saturday 9th November 2024 - (09:30 - 15:00 hours) 
Lord Mayors Parade

The Lord Mayor's Show dates back to the early 13th century, when King John allowed the City of London to appoint its own Mayor. The King insisted that each newly-elected Mayor should come to Westminster and swear loyalty to the Crown, and the Mayor of London has been making that journey for over 800 years. 

2024 marks the 696th Lord Mayor of London, who will it be? That remains to be seen, but put the date in your diary and we look forward to seeing you for a great day.

Friday 13th December 2024 - (18:00 - 22:00 hours) - Sheffield
Brigantes Winter Gathering - Sheffield Cutlers Hall and Catherdral

Brigantes, which is open to Liverymen of the City of London, usually hosts this event in a Northern Cathedral City, the Winter Gathering provides an opportunity for Liverymen and guests to meet together in the run up to Christmas. 

Held in early/mid December, the Winter Gathering commences in the afternoon with the Association’s Annual General Meeting of Subscribing Members, followed by a reception, early evening supper and Christmas Concert in the Cathedral Nave. 

More details will be announced in late September 2024 or go to:

29th February 2024 - 18:00 - 20:30 

World Traders’ Tacitus Lecture - Guildhall, Gresham Street,  London EC2V 7HH.

Lecture by a leading individual in World Trade (Lecturer yet to be announced)

Inter-Livery Bridge Competition - Drapers' Hall Throgmorton Avenue, London

The Makers of Playing Cards Company's 41st Annual Inter-Livery Bridge Tournament, with supper, held at Drapers' Hall

United Guilds Service 2024 - St Paul's Cathedral St Paul's Churchyard, London

Annual United Guilds Service at St Paul's Cathedral attended by the Lord Mayor, Bishop of London and all Companions and Guilds.

Monday 6th September (5pm for 5.30pm) in Drapers' Hall
The 39th Inter-Livery Bridge Tournament

This annual competition is organised by The Worshipful Company of Makers of Playing Cards for the benefit of The Lord Mayor's Appeal Charities. There are two sessions with dinner at 7.20pm; prize giving at 10.00pm. Coffee, tea and biscuits will be served during the 5.00pm reception and, while awaiting the results and prize-giving, a stirrup cup will be served. 

Please click on this link for the online booking form. Closing date for entries is 16th August.

Monday 13th September (11am) at the Hurlingham Club
InterLivery Tennis Competition

The Feltmakers’ Inter-Livery Tennis Competition will be held on Monday 13th September 2021 at the Hurlingham Club. The competition is open to teams of two mixed pairs from each Company.  The competition is designed for Liverymen and their spouses/partners; one person in each pair should therefore, ideally, be a Liveryman. The competition will be run as an American tournament, with quarter-finals, semi-finals and a final.  The Feltmakers’ Trophy will be awarded to the winners.  There will be a knock-out Plate Competition for first round group losers.

The competition will be followed by dinner in the Hurlingham Club when the Master of the Feltmakers’ Company will present prizes to the winners and the runners-up. The evening normally ends shortly after 9.30pm.

More details will follow, shortly.

Sunday 26th September The Annual Sheep Drive and Livery Fair
On Southwark Bridge (now there's a first)
Update 2nd June: 'drive slots' look to be sold out - wait listing now

With the support of the City of London The Worshipful Company of Woolmen have been offered the use of Southwark Bridge. A fantastic “first” as the entire bridge will be closed to traffic for the day with designated public access. With the Sheep Drive and Fair situated together on the bridge (ideally located between St Paul’s Cathedral north side and Shakespeare’s Globe on the Southbank), this opens up endless opportunities for a wonderful day out for the whole family.

Please click on this link for more information.