Effective Client Engagement 18 Feb:  CMCE Showcase
CMCE Workshop: The Strategy Process 4 Mar:  Plaisterers' Hall
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Winching and dining.....!

The Company sailors carve through the waters at Cowes....

On three fine days in the Solent, a crew mainly of WCoMC  folk took part in the City Livery Yacht Club Cowes Weekend. It included the Club’s Annual Race sandwiched between Supper on Friday at the Royal London Yacht Club and climaxed by Dinner at the Royal Yacht Squadron.

The notable drama on the water was the Butchers’ yacht limping home with rigging failures and a leak. [How sad – but clearly not our fault….]

Outside the race, Liveryman Richard Stewart provided great excitement in a last minute drive to find a blazer in Cowes late on Saturday afternoon for the Royal Yacht Squadron elegant bash!


Immediate Past Master Edward Sankey entered the yacht, crewed by PM Allan Duguid, Richard and two outside friends. We raced a great course from Cowes down to near Lymington and back up to just beyond Osborne House. We didn’t secure honours, but there were various tense one-on-one duels!


A great weekend – as Richard has put it.  All enjoyed the camaraderie and the drama. Some very interesting historical sites in the sailing clubs – including Edwardian and Victorian time capsules!

All hoped we do it again next year.


Anyone interested in sailing or other activities on the water  -  on the Thames or elsewhere, are invited  to drop a line to Edward at  E.J.Sankey@dial.pipex.com











Immediate Past Master Edward Sankey