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The Lord Mayor's Show

Lynda Purser,  marching in the Wet Weather Programme..

The Lord Mayor’s Show was the first event following my clothing as a Liveryman on October 17th and I very much wanted to be there. I left home early to find the flat in the Barbican where we were to meet for sustenance and robing before embarking on the walk. It was great- I being in the right place at the right time was given the Immediate Past Master’s robe to wear which was not only warm but also very colourful!

The plan was to join the Sea Cadets float on Aldersgate and wait with them until the procession moved off. As we waited the rain got heavier and colder but somehow our spirits remained quite high as we watched the other Guilds and Livery Companies assemble and begin to move, and the sight of small children marching against the use of drugs I am sure warmed our hearts. All this was quite new to me - I don’t usually do public displays of support for anything but as we walked I gradually became influenced by the occasion and found myself waving and smiling with the best of them. 

The walk was gentle but we were all pleased when our little group peeled off in pursuit of lunch. Elizabeth had done a splendid job in booking the George opposite the Royal Courts of Justice so that not only did we have a welcome meal of sandwiches and chips and plenty of wine but we were ideally placed to watch the Lord Mayor and her entourage arrive at the Courts.

Following lunch we walked down to the Embankment to fall in again with our float in the procession until we could leave and collect our belongings at the Little Ships Club.

The day was really enjoyable with camaraderie and fun being dominant. The rain was a nuisance but I am told it is always cold and wet so I reckon if you want to enjoy the company and the excitement and fun  you just have to accept that you will get wet!

Lynda Purser