Faith in Government? 16 Jan:  Zoom Video Conference
Supporting City Harvest 23 Jan:  Click here for further details
WCoMC Annual Charities Supper 28 Jan:  Cutlers' Hall
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NL April 2018


WCoMC is a collegiate forward looking Modern City Livery Company; we maintain City traditions, share expertise and information between fellow members and give back to the community through our pro bono activities.

WCoMC News

Our latest City updates

David Johnson, Master


What’s up?

Education Supper

Speaker: Antony Jenkins, Chair of the Institute for Apprenticeships 

 "The Future role of Apprenticeships"   The oversight and development of apprenticeships was a key founding principle underlying the development of the Livery movement in medieval London.  As a modern Livery Company we see driving this as a key part of our activities.

The Sheriff's inter-school London Challenge Debating Competition

Sheriff Neil Redcliffe, here to present the Cup to the Winners of the 2018  Sheriff's Inter-school London Challenge Debating Competition (Oasis Hadley Academy, Ponders End) - See article

Urwick Cup Presentation

The winning research paper is titled ‘The Silent Politics of Temporal Work: A Case Study of a Management Consultancy Project to Redesign Public Health Care’ with lead authors Professors Gerry McGivern, Sue Dopson and Ewan Ferlie. (See article)


Hugh Abbott, Practice Lead for Intelligent Automation at B2E Consulting, demonstrated how machine learning and intelligent automation can yield savings of up to 80%. (With Liveryman Rachel Whitehouse, Organiser)


Clerk Julie Fox, Amanda and Antony Jenkins, Master, Sheriff Neil and Emma Redcliffe, Mistress

Frank Brown (Education Chair), Master and Rhonda Best with members of the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants   

John Corneille, Nanette Young and Kulbir Shergill

 PM Ian Danielle, Karol Szlichcinski, Chris Wilson and Mick James

 Calvert and Carole Markham with the Winners of the Urwick Cup (see article)

IPM Noorzaman Rashid, Ian Bonny, Sally Garratt and guest

Jenny Harris, Wendy Mead OBE, and Mistress Mary Johnson

John Taylor MBE Chair of the Livery Companies Skills Council, Bob Harris, Mark Hoble and David Glassman



Newsletter Editor:

Website Support:

Issue 49:  April 2018

Your Master's Voice...

Education, in February, Education in March, and yes Education in April. Am I a Blairite?

The main event for the Company this month, was the Education Reception and Supper, convened under the guidance of Frank Brown, Education Chair. Over 70 attended to hear Antony Jenkins deliver a speech and answer questions as Chair of the Institute for Apprenticeships; be informed of the winners of the Urwick Cup; and see the presentation of the Sheriffs Cup by Sheriff Neil Redclffe.

Prior to the Supper I convened a Masters’ Round Table concerning barriers to engaging small business in delivering apprenticeships.  This encouraged a grilling of Antony from the over 30 different interest groups represented. Personally I believe we should work closely with the profession to deliver a recognised apprenticeship ladder, up to the Chartered Management Consultant level.

Shoptalk, (special thanks to Rachel Whitehouse for the talk this month on “Artificial Intelligence, Robotics and Real World Consulting”) is one way we engage in these discussions.

I have had a busy representational month accepting invitations from the Insurers, Air Pilots, Information Technologists, Fuellers, Horners, Gold & Silver Wyre Drawers, Engineers, Environmental Cleaners, and Educators. All different but we have issues in common with each of them.

I was especially pleased to be invited to attend the special service of reflection on the role played, on the 25th anniversary of the Bishopsgate bomb, by St Ethelburgas’ in reconciling dangerous differences between religious and other groups. A live issue, as reports of the need to disarm a device held by ‘disaffected’ groups in Northern Ireland are reported! Particularly pleased because our Faith Group initiated this event. (see Article)

A less happy activity was representing the Company at the memorial service for Brian Small, in Somerset. I spoke of his love for education and his support of City University and what is now CASS CCE. Gill King made my visit possible through her close liaison with the family.

And then there was the Wine Club trip………

A varied month, in which Jeff Herman and his team produced an impressive report of the last year’s activities. I now understand more fully the challenge he faced!



THEY WON!  The 2018 Sheriff's Inter-school London Challenge Debating Competition.  Oasis Hadley Academy, Ponders End, at the Old Bailey - supported by WCoMC...  (see article)

The Team:  (left to right): 

Collette Stone; Rhonda Best; Baran Sabaz; Najmo Osman; Ali Toytemor; Naima Torafder; Zohre Simsek; PM Ian Daniell; Olivia Copsey; Can Yildiz; Kanon Barot


Cold War? Cyber security, intellectual property and even electronic equipment confuses the boundaries between military and civilian trade: one country's semi-conductor export is another country's cyber-defence import... Dr Rebecca Harding, Economist and Liveryman, elucidates....

Pressed for time (and materials)? OR:   Why isn't consultancy in the news?   Mick James is a  freelance business writer specialising in consultancy and professional services, currently helping to create a repository of information regarding the history of management consulting for the Centre for Management Consulting Excellence....

The Urwick Prize is awarded for an outstanding recent piece of research relevant to management consultancy, published in the UK...   Father of the Company, Calvert Markham, explains....

Sailing Westerly (or why the Second Warden is missing)  ...we couldn't put it off any longer...and set off on what was planned to be a two-season trip around Britain...

Service of Commemoration upon the 25th anniversary of the Bishopsgate Bomb... at St Ethelburga's Centre for Reconciliation and Peace...     

They won!!!  the final of the 2018 Sheriff's inter-school London Challenge Debating Competition... Oasis Hadley Academy, Ponders End, supported by WCoMC...

The Company’s Annual Report has now been completed:      and can be found on the Company website, at -                        .        Thanks to Jeff Herman for project managing this through to publication!

Keeping Informed :  

- The progress of the UK's negotiations on EU withdrawal:  Exiting the European Union Committee:  Wednesday 25 April 2018

Witness: (Parliament Live TV) Rt Hon. David Davis MP, Secretary of State, Department for Exiting the European Union


- 16 May:  2:30- 5 pm at Guildhall, Club Members Dining Room: A special Tea Experience; Much more complex than wine. This is a social event as well as a lecture! Any surplus will go to charity. Two world renowned experts, Mike Bunston and Malcolm Ferris-Lay will talk about their combined 100 years+  experience of tea and the differences between tea areas -  India , Ceylon, Africa,China and other areas - covering tea varieties,seasons and microclimates - and demonstrate by tasting over a dozen different teas.They will explain how to get the full 'nose' and flavour. They will also introduce you to the Tea History Society which celebrates over 350 years of trading Tea in the City of London.

Come and test your tasting ability and subsequently enjoy High Tea in the Members Dining Room - sandwiches & cakes and the tea of your choice; followed by a glass of Champagne should you wish to do so.

This is a Masters' special function following his time working with Tea Tasters at Typhoo in his early career, where he overlapped with Sir Paul Judge with whom this project was initiated before his too early demise. Tea blenders need to produce the same flavour throughout the year and to a particular cost from a constantly changing mix of available product. Much more challenging than wine.     Space is limited by the number of individuals one can gather around two tasting stations and so booking as soon as you can is recommended.  Cost: £40 per individual but £75 if you book as a couple. It is a social event as well as a lecture!. Any surplus will go to charity.  Book here...

Wed 23 May at Guildhall Gresham St London, EC2V 7HH. 6:00 – 9:30: Change Lecture 2018: will examine the impact that Management Consultants have on the NHS.  Following the publication in The Times on 21st February of a research study which examined the link between expenditure on management consultancy and the efficiency of NHS Acute Hospital Trusts in England, concluding that  “Consultancy firms make hospitals worse” – we have provided a neutral forum for the Authors to outlay their findings.  Professor Andrew Sturdy will lead on the research findings and Alan Leaman - Chief Executive of the Management Consultancies Association – will provide commentary from the perspective of the management consulting industry.  Cost £40.  Book here...  

-Tuesday 22 May January 2018, 18:00-20:30 at Cass Business School, 106 Bunhill Row, London, EC1Y 8TZ, Room LG002. Registration:Coffee and tea from 17:30: ETHOS: The Centre for Responsible Enterprise at Cass Business School invites you to debate the future merits of corporate governance. In response to cases like Carillion and the recent FRC review of the corporate governance code and to highlight the recent book by Prof. Garratt we will discuss ideas of how corporate governance in the UK should develop.  Chairs: Professor Hugh Willmott
Professor Bob Garratt.
Cass Business School.  See flyer for Speakers and further details...

Sunday 10th June:  Women of the Livery will join the group of Old Bailey Judges, the lady Mayoress and the Shrieval Consorts together with thousands of women, for an epic procession in London!  This will be the largest participatory artwork ever created as the procession marches down the Mall !    See full details and register...  

 - “City View” the magazine of the City of London Corporation.  Download the latest edition…

- Bi-monthly Livery Briefings, and the Programme of City Briefings and Course:    details of all of which are to be found at The City Briefings in 2018 will take place on the evenings of 21 May8 October and 20 November. The Livery "Wardens and Court Assistants Course" will be held on 26 September.

- Invitation to join the Lord Mayor on 29 July, 11am - 4 pm!  The Dragon Boat Race Day takes place at Chillington Hall in Staffordshire, home of Past Master and Mistress Draper, John and Crescent Giffard, and represents a great opportunity for Liverymen to bond at this new inter-livery event. Full details and booking forms for boats, teams and spectators are available on the Lord Mayor’s Appeal web site:          


Management Consultants extending their influence....

 A patient was at his doctor's office after undergoing  examination.

The doctor said, "I have some very grave news for you. You only have six months to live."

The patient asked, "Oh doctor, what should I do?"

"Marry a management consultant," was the doctor's response.

"Will that make me live longer?" asked the patient.

"No," said the doctor, "but it will SEEM longer..." 


This newsletter is produced by the WCoMC Communications Group. Please let us know if you have any items to include in relation to any topics that come to mind! The opinions expressed in this newsletter represent those of the contributors and not necessarily those of the Company.
​WCoMC is a Chartered Charitable Organisation (Privy Council Reference C877) and a Company Incorporated by Royal Charter (Company No. RC000819).