The WCoMC Wine Course (from) 21 Oct:  Self-paced Online
Mentor Training Workshop 22 Oct:  Plaisterers' Hall
Click here for our rolling calendar or here for City events

NL February 2015


WCoMC is a collegiate forward looking Modern City Livery Company;  we maintain City traditions, share expertise and information between fellow members and give back to the community through our pro bono activities.

WCoMC News

What’s up?

Master Patrick Chapman

Immediate Past Master, Edward Sankey, presenting the Master and Company with a Stand for the Mace (below)

The Stand for the Mace, showing the silver detail

The Master launching the Ealing Music and Film Festival, in his capacity as Chairman

Freedom of the City

Karen Smith. Selfie taken by Murray Craig, Clerk of the Chamberlain's Court - includes Karen's brother and David Johnson

Soho at Ronnie Scotts  followed by dancing at Home House - the Music Group hits London on a Saturday night...

Drewe and Felicity

Noorzaman and Kulbir

Richard Stewart

Mary Johnson and the Editor

Drewe and Richard on the move

Website Support:

Issue 17:  February 2015


Europe at a Crossroads: The effect that Quantitative Easing may have on the European economy and some of its likely consequences for businesses.  Analysis also of the issues surrounding Greek debt and weaknesses in the Russian economy...

Video of the discussion led by  -

- WCoMC Liveryman, and CEO of "Delta Economics", Dr Rebecca Harding,  with

- Frances Coppola, the Associate Editor of  "Pieria" - a social network of experts and an online magazine; where industry and academia meet to discuss some of the biggest issues facing our economy -




PLUS 23rd February update - 


"Greece's future is its past.  Why trade holds the key to debt renegotiation"....



Never played the piano before? Having chosen to rectify this as a New Year's Resolution, a consultant naturally needs a Plan, Deliverables and a SWAT analysis....

Freeman Geoff Booth applies his consulting skills to rapidly developing the corpus callosum levels found in a musician trained from an early age - with his first exam looming...


On his regular commute from London to his home in Milan, Liveryman Bernard Harvey observes how one's preconceived understanding of human relationships -

...can be shattered by everyday use of modern technology....


Immediate Past Master Edward Sankey presents to the Master and Company a Stand for the Mace....

Off-the-wall engineering solution required, owing to the centre of gravity being where one wouldn't expect....


Is an employee's behaviour the Manager's fault?  Human Resources Consultant, Freeman Richard Cummings, illustrates that "engagement" doesn't start at the Company level.... starts from the minute the role is created....


Are you interested in our Interest Groups?  Faith, Golf, Wine, Schools and much much more.... We currently have 12 Interest Groups - also called Panels

Freeman Simon Davey leads you through the detail and provides the contacts for each Panel Chair....




Music Interest Group Report - February 2015

- Ronnie Scotts, Soho - Jazz and Dinner - Saturday February 28th - pics opposite reveal a lot - but not all...

- Commit the Project to the subconscious and take time out to relax and recharge your batteries over lunch - 

There is a wide range of choice, some of them free and others at relatively low cost.

- Lunchtime Concerts - at Wigmore Hall / St Martin in the Fields  / St James Church / St John's, Smiths Square

- Agreed Timetable of Events for 2015  - to include 13th May Guildhall School of Music and Drama: Gold Medal event at the Barbican - a Choral Occasion

- Music Organisations in the City of london....


Refer for details....


Shop Talk - formerly the Professional Network - at Woodstock Bar & Grill


53 Fore Street, Barbican  EC2Y 5EL

from 5:30 pm.  Action from 6:15.  Close at 8:30pm

Speakers:  Dr Rebecca Harding;  Professor Karol Szlichcinski; Karen Smith              In control:  David Johnson:


City Walks and Talks - March 2015 - Knowledge of the City - Series 39

Venue:            St Bride Institute:  Bride Lane, off Fleet Street, London EC4Y 8EQ

Dates              Thursday 5th, 12th, 19th, 26th March 2015

Time                6.30pm to 8pm

Cost                £10 per lecture or £36 for the series of 4 lectures

5th  March

The Merchant Navy War Memorial at Tower Hill – City Connections and stories of WWI, WWII and the Falklands: Bryan Jones



12th March

Homage to some of our Heroes - the lives of ordinary and extraordinary people from London during the First World War: Anne-Marie Craven


19th March

A Charitable City – “all mankind’s concern is charity”: Julie Chandler


26th March;

The London Stock Exchange and other exchanges: Debbie Pearson


WALKS: There will be an optional walk led by each guide on the Saturday after the lecture.

Enquiries             phone: 01189 590273       email:


Thoughtful Worshipful Observations…

A Management Consultant and two members of his team are walking to lunch when they find an antique oil lamp. They rub it and a Genie comes out in a puff of smoke. 

The Genie says, "I usually only grant three wishes, so I'll give you one wish each."

"Me first! Me first!" says No. 1 Team member.  "I want to be in the Bahamas, driving a speedboat, without a care in the world."

Poof! She's gone.

In astonishment, and much encouraged - "Me next! Me next!" says No. 2 Team Member. "I want to be in Hawaii, relaxing on the beach with my personal masseuse, an endless supply of Pina Coladas and the love of my life."

Poof! He's gone. 

"Yours is the last wish at my disposal…," the Genie says to the Management Consultant.

The Consultant didn’t even have to think before saying grimly, "I want those two back in the office in one hour!"

This story has an important Moral: Always let your boss have the first say….



NB:  Send News and pics to Editor, at -

This newsletter is produced by the WCoMC Communications Group.  Please let us know if you have any items to include in relation to any topics that come to mind!  The opinions expressed in this newsletter represent those of the contributors and not necessarily those of the Company.
​WCoMC is a Chartered Charitable Organisation (Privy Council Reference C877) and a Company Incorporated by Royal Charter (Company No. RC000819).