Our latest City updates

Master Noorzaman Rashid and Mistress Kulbir
Top Team 2017

Father of the Livery
Calvert Markham

Immediate Past Master
David Peregrine-Jones
First Warden
David Johnson

Second Warden
John Corneille

Third Warden
Sally Garratt

Mervyn Bassett
Newsletter Editor:

Website Support:
Issue 37: Feb 2017
Your Master's Voice -
The new year has seen lots of events and activities being organised by our Committees and interest groups.
On 25th April we have our first ever Banquet at Mansion House . The Lord Mayor and at least one Sheriff will be present.
The key note speaker is Nikos Mourkogiannis, author of "Purpose".
For those interested in beer I'm organising a tour of the Windsor and Eton Brewery in August - so look out for notifications!
In the meantime please do visit the website to keep yourself updated on the many activities planned for members: including on 28th March Shop Talk at our new venue The Counting House, 50 Cornhill, near Bank . The next speaker is Martin Blackburn Head of People KPMG UK.
Noorzaman Rashid, Master
We're approaching the eye of the storm. The volume of personal data is exploding; the barriers to entry for its use tumbling. Do "they" know too much?....
"The 99 Essential Business Questions" book, co-written by WCoMC authors, was presented to Business Studies students at the University of Greenwich.
Drumming up support for the WCoMC Charitable Fund....
Resilience - the tool of the Management Consultant - often faced with situations characterised by ambiguity, competing priorities and even hostility....
Uniquely personal domestic experience can provide good practice in developing resilience... Freeman Steve Huntley exposes....
Notes on a huge influence on a small island - the development of the Livery Companies' timeline
IN MEMORIAM - Professor Allan Williams (Liveryman)

We are very sad to report that our friend and colleague, Liveryman Allan Williams, Emeritus Professor of Organisational Psychology, has died, after a short illness.
An article Allan wrote for the Newsletter in October 2015 discussed “The growing linkage between the City University and the City of London : ...one of the most important interactions with the City being in the context of management development and financial research..." wcomc.org/2015Oct31-5
Allan had a book published in 2016: “Occupational Psychology, Management Education and Consultancy: A fifty-year narrative for academics striving to manage their careers in a competitive climate.”
A family man and a big walker! Adventurous. They toured Europe in a motorhome. One of his daughters attributes her love of the outdoors to him, and remembers them camping out in all weathers (including snow). She also remembers him sitting on the beach with his head in an academic book; and always had his laptop with him on holiday…
Further details relating to his funeral arrangements will be made available to the members as soon as they are known.
New Members Reception and Admission ceremony: Thursday 9th March at Guildhall: 6:30 to 9 pm: Cost £40. Book here....
Shop Talk: Thursday 28 March at 6:15 at The Counting House, 50 Cornhill EC3V 3PD. "The people challenges ahead". £10 on the door for room and nibbles, plus cash bar. Book here.....
Banquet at Mansion House, Tuesday 25th April, in the presence of the Lord Mayor, Dr Andrew Parmley and Sheriff. 6:45 Reception; 7:30 Dinner
Livery briefing: The Livery Committee provides a bi-monthly briefing and diary of City Events. We track these on our website -see the City Pages: click here to view and follow through to the briefings and other publications, including the new City Values Forum guide: "Governing Culture"
The City Livery Map and Freeman's Guide: Lord Mayor's Edition. A substantial advance on the 2nd or Magna Carta edition, the Lord Mayor's edition features over 50 new topics and rises to 170 pages (hardback). Details at - www.cityandlivery.co.uk Enquiries re bulk purchasing at - paul.d.jagger@ntlworld.com
City Walks and Talks: Venue: St Bride Foundation, Bride Lane - off Fleet St, London EC4Y 8EQ. There is step free access via Salisbury Court - off Fleet St. Dates: Thursdays 2nd; 9th;16th; and 23rd March. Time: 6:30 - 8pm. Cost:£10 per talk or £36 for the series of 4 talks. Contact: Kathryn Prevezer at klprevezer3@hotmail.co.uk
Gala Concert by the LondonSymphony Orchestra at St Paul's Cathedral - Tuesday 14th March at 7 pm: with the Choir of St Paul's Cathedral and a historic performance of the Saint-Saens Organ Symphony, played by the Rt Hon The Lord Mayor, Alderman Dr Andrew Parmley: Parry - I was glad; Allegri - Miserere; Walton - Coronation Te Deum; Saint-Saens - Organ Symphony. For further information contact: drewe.lacey7@gmail.com
The Royal Fusiliers Memorial Chapel Committee invites attendance at the 2nd Annual Memorial Lecture - Wed 10th May; 6pm for 6;30 in the Church of St Sepulchre-without-Newgate, London EC1. General The Lord Dannatt GCB CBE MC DL will speak on "The Law, Morality and Armed Conflict". Contact: mjd451@gmail.com by Wed 3rd May.
Brigantes Breakfast for Liverymen of the City of London - St Georges Hall Liverpool - Wednesday 26 July - 12:00 for 12:30
Note: Using the "Recent News" tab will bring you to ALL the articles submitted by Members to past newsletters.... use them to find other Members who share your interests and to make connections....!