The WCoMC Wine Course (from) 21 Oct:  Self-paced Online
Mentor Training Workshop 22 Oct:  Plaisterers' Hall
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NL February 2018


WCoMC is a collegiate forward looking Modern City Livery Company; we maintain City traditions, share expertise and information between fellow members and give back to the community through our pro bono activities.

WCoMC News

Our latest City updates

Master David Johnson

What’s up?


Inaugural Technical Symposium of the Centre for Consulting Excellence (CMCE)


Speaker and Head of Alumni and External Relations, Coventry University in London, Carole Still

Speaker Anthony Fitzsimmons, Chairman of Reputability LLP and co-author of the 2017 release "Re-thinking Reputational Risk" (see article)

Master, Assistant Malcolm McCaig, Anthony  Fitzimmons, Father of the Livery Calvert Markham



The City's former Lord Mayor, Dr Andrew Parmley (Hon Liveryman of the Worshipful Company of Management Consultants) has received a knighthood in the Queen's Birthday Honours

Sir Andrew Parmley, while Lord Mayor of London, making his historic debut as Organist with the London Symphony Orchestra

Livery Schools Link Education Showcase at the Guildhall

Master inspiring a new generation of Management Consultants (see article)

Julie Fox, WCoMC Clerk, also taking her shift at Guildhall

Sea Cadets: Feedback on their Adventurous  Activities' Week at Summer Rock

Coasteering...(see article)


Shop Talk

IBM's Junior Management Consulting Programme (see article)

Inter-livery Pancake Race

70-flip on-the-run-Johnson, rehearsing (see article)

Victrix ludorum


Newsletter Editor:

Website Support:

Issue 47:  February 2018

Your Master's voice...

In the last month I can highlight real achievements for the Company:

 On the 6th of February we  presented the company at a stand at the Livery Schools Link Showcase in Guildhall;  a watershed of 1000 students attended from 48 schools. We promoted IBM, PwC, and Deloittes, who each have apprentices undertaking the Junior Management Consultant Apprenticeship (JMC) which we helped establish.  We handed out to interested students and teachers nearly 70 copies of the Management Consultancies Association’s Guide to Training in Management Consulting.

Schools were really receptive to the idea of training in business through the JMC. The IBM apprentices on our stand sold the profession to the students very effectively. That evening the Inaugural Technical Symposium addressed an issue that resonates through the profession and Livery: "Reputational Risk". My guests from other Livery Companies found the event relevant to themselves, as indeed I did to our Company.

On the 13th of February - very cold & wet - I was fortunate to win the Worshipful Company of Poulters’ Shrove Tuesday  Pancake Appeal Handicap - and have an engraved frying pan to prove it!  Senior Warden please note!

On the 19th of February our commitment to education was confirmed as Oasis Academy - supported in particular by Rhonda Best & Ian Daniell - won their heat of the Sheriff's Challenge!  They will compete in the Final against the Duke's Academy, supported by the Guild of Enrepreneurs; Last year our school came second... Can we do better this year?  The final is on 5th March!

Planning continues for the Members Reception on 22nd March which follows our 100th Court - please come and make it successful.  The Education Round Table and Supper on 25th April at the Guildhall and the Celebration Dinner on 5th July at the Honourable Artillery Company .At the HAC we plan a simultaneous Sabrage of at least 50 bottles of Champagne - and need members attending to join in....

I really hope to see each of you at an event - whenever you can come.



- Deal or No Deal?  How many of us are being faced with trying to model uncertainty - only to find that this very exercise throws up potentially thousands, tens or hundreds of thousands - and even millions of possible solutions or outcomes...? Freeman Dr Bruce Garvey gets to grips with the Brexit conundrum...

- Are UK businesses ready for the new General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)...? Liveryman Rachel Whitehouse flags up that urgent action is required, in order to be compliant by 25th May 2018!

- A City en fete !  How to get a big lift?  Go to Edinburgh in August;  the biggest arts festival in the world!  Past Master Edward Sankey moves through a City that is teeming, and where everyone has a smile on their face...

- And who was the Victrix ludorum, aka 'Winner of the Games'...? The Master brings focus, discipline and commitment to the Inter-livery Pancake race - hauling in even more Treasure for the Company....

- Re-thinking Reputational Risk:  "It takes 20 years to build a reputation and 5 minutes to ruin it.  If you think about that, you'll do things differently..."  [Warren Buffet]. This was the topic for the Inaugural Technical Symposium of the Centre for Consulting Excellence (CMCE). Assistant Malcolm McCaig describes the launch...

- WCoMC inspiring  a generation. The Education Committee, supported by apprentices from IBM, attended our first Livery Schools Link Education Showcase at the Guildhall, to expose Management Consulting as a fascinating career...  Freeman Dr Simon Davey elucidates....

at February’s Shop TalkIBM’s Junior Management Consulting (JMC) programme is one of 7 pathways being offered to A-level graduates at the multinational corporation... Freeman Rhonda Best explores....

"...40 cadets and 12 adults from London Area Sea Cadets, descended on the town of Newquay in Cornwall for 5 Days of adventurous activity..." Feedback from London Area Sea Cadets, including a Report on the Adventurous Activities' Week at Summer Rock, and two Thank You letters....


IN MEMORIAM: We are so sad to report that Liveryman Ian Lawson died suddenly on February 17th. More information is to be found on our website:


Keeping Informed:

Scrutiny of Brexit negotiations

1) re EFTA option: 7 February 2018: (i) Witnesses: Professor George Yarrow, Chair of the Regulatory Policy Institute, Emeritus Fellow, Hertford College, Oxford and visiting professor, Newcastle University Business School Ulf Sverdrup, Director Norwegian Institute of International Affairs Professor Alla Podznakova, Law Faculty, University of Oslo...

(ii) Witness: Professor Carl Baudenbacher, Judge of the EFTA Court:

2) The WTO Option:

Witness: Pascal Lamy, former Director General, World Trade Organisation (for two 4-year terms) and European Commissioner for Trade...  27 February 2018


- Thursday 1st March, 6.30 for 7pm at The HAC, Armoury House, EC1Y 2BQ. On the centenary of Armistice Day, the Guild of Young Freemen is hosting a talk at the Honourable Artillery Company, led by WO2 Mark Selwood, currently the Regimental Operations Support Warrant Officer (ROSWO) at the HAC. He is also a historian and has worked for military museums for many years. Tickets £35 (available on website – Password: HAC2018: – includes two drinks at the reception.  Dress code: Jacket & Tie or female equivalent. NB: All attendees should bring photo ID which will be checked by security on entry.

- Wednesday 21 March - WCCSA Annual Tutt Rivers Lecture Time: 6 for 6:30 – 7:30 Cost £40 per person, including drinks reception with canapés. Speaker will be The Rt Hon. the Lord Willetts, formerly Minister of State (Department for Business, Innovation and Skills) (Universities and Science). He will be speaking about: "The importance of Higher Education for the UK internationally and ways in which the City, industry and commerce can enhance it."  Contact:   Erica Lee:

- Thursday 22 March New Members' Reception: from 6:30 - 9:30 pm at Guildhall, Gresham St, London EC2V 7HH  Cost: £40.

- Monday 16th April from 10.45 am to 3.30 pm. at Painters Hall, Little Trinity Lane EC4V 2AD.  ‘NYLONS and NATTER’ LADIES and CONSORTS LIVERY DAYan invitation from the Mistress Horner and Mistress Management Consultants to ladies and consorts. Tickets at £85 per person. For more information, Contact :

- Just 5 seats left for A Practical Guide to Petitioning for a Grant of Arms: Workshop at IT Hall on 23rd April (6-9pm). The workshop is open to all Freemen, Liverymen and their guests. Further details of the workshop may be viewed at For more information,  Contact :  Court Assistant, Worshipful Company of Information Technologists  Paul Jagger:

 - Wednesday 23rd May 2018 – 6.0pm for 6.30pm in the Church of St. Sepulchre-without-Newgate, London EC1 (at the junction of Holborn Viaduct and Giltspur Street): The Royal Fusiliers Memorial Chapel Committee invites attendance at The Third Annual Memorial Lecture, when  Field Marshal The Lord Guthrie GCB LVO OBE DL will speak on “The Morality and Tradition of the Just War” This lecture is free of charge, but there will be a retiring collection for the Chapel. Allowing time for questions, the lecture is likely to end at about 7.30pm, but further discussion may take place informally over a glass of wine afterwards.  Those wishing to attend are asked to send their names by e-mail to: by Wednesday 16th May.  Bids will be confirmed, but no hard-copy tickets will be issued.

 - “City View” the magazine of the City of London Corporation.  Download the latest edition…

Bi-monthly Livery Briefings, and the Programme of City Briefings and Courses, details of all of which are to be found at The City Briefings in 2018 will take place on the evenings of 21 May, 8 October and 20 November. The Livery "Wardens and Court Assistants Course" will be held on 26 September.


As self-effacing as Management Consultants are, given their naturally high profile, it is often very difficult to be discreet...

So the Pope is extremely early for his flight.

He asks his driver on the way to the airport if he could drive around for a while because they have time to kill and he hasn't driven a car since becoming Pope.

Naturally, he's a bit rusty, and is driving like a novice, when suddenly he sees police lights behind him. He pulls over and when the officer comes up to the window his eyes go wide. He says to the Pope "Hold on for a minute, Your Holiness" and goes back to his car to radio the Chief.

Policeman: "Chief we have a situation. I've pulled over an important figure."

Chief: "How important? A governor or something?"

Policeman: "No sir. He's bigger."

Chief: "So, what? a celebrity or something?"

Policeman: "More important, sir."

Chief: "A major politician?"

Policeman: "No sir, he's much more important."

Chief: "WELL WHO IS IT!?"

       Policeman: "Well the Pope's driving him, so he has to be                some kind of Management Consultant"...

Send articles and pics to



This newsletter is produced by the WCoMC Communications Group. Please let us know if you have any items to include in relation to any topics that come to mind! The opinions expressed in this newsletter represent those of the contributors and not necessarily those of the Company.
​WCoMC is a Chartered Charitable Organisation (Privy Council Reference C877) and a Company Incorporated by Royal Charter (Company No. RC000819).