Effective Client Engagement 18 Feb:  CMCE Showcase
CMCE Workshop: The Strategy Process 4 Mar:  Plaisterers' Hall
Click here for our rolling calendar or here for City events

NL January 2014


WCoMC is a collegiate forward looking Modern City Livery Company;  we maintain City traditions, share expertise and information between fellow members and give back to the community through our pro bono activities.

WCoMC News

What’s up?

New Liverymen

Master Edward Sankey and Richard Swift

Liveryman Mike Shun


Liveryman Nanette Young


What are they doing?

Presentation to the
Lord Mayor of the Annual Booklet of the Financial Services Group of Modern
Livery Companies


Valentine Festival

And to accompany the notice to the right, click on the logo below to go to the Festival Website. Your support would be really valued!


Newsletter Editor:

Website Support:

Issue 06:  Jan 2014



This edition has been held up by a slight technical glitch getting the formatting of pictures right.  We are there now - hopefully normal publication will resume for the February issue!


To which camp do you belong?  "...must go sometime this month,but if I squint and don't breathe out I don't look too bad in this...?"

Liveryman Jeff Cant outlines the strategy between the dawn chorus and the evening glass of wineFitness - the world at your feet.

Your Livery career route to the Lord Mayor's golden carriage!   

The City Organisation Chart - created by Frank Moxon of International Bankers and updated for WCoMC by PM Alan Broomhead

The Lord Mayor's January message to the Livery Companies -

The 686th Lord Mayor - and 1st woman - with the 2014 Plan 

Simple, but excellent, home Trapeze exercises to do after the Xmas excesses.  

 Fourth Warden, Gia Campari, strongly recommends....


The NHS is suffering - is it ready to retire?

It has passed the retirement milestone of 65 years. Freeman Steven Williams comments on its state of health

The best way to predict the future is to create it!

Liveryman David Glassman tackles those mostly-doomed New Year's Resolutions

Extraordinary examples of the way Charities have changed society.

Freeman Mary Chadwick tells what happened when Sir John Cass chose a slow legal drafter...


Alan Harpham....  In Memoriam

6th January 2014



Ealing Music and Film Valentine Festival: 12th - 16th February.  This will be magnificent. First Warden, Patrick Chapman is one of the organisers, and strongly recommends bringing along current, former and prospective loved ones (particularly if they are French) plus other conoscenti, to mix with the glitterati. Book now through their website (click on logo to the left) to avoid disappointment! What's happening behind the scenes?

The Worshipful Company of Poulters in collaboration with The Cook & The Butler are holding a Shrove Tuesday Pancake Races at Guildhall Yard, 4th March 2014.   Fully-robed Masters, including our own, will run and toss around pancakes in the small Guildhall Yard area and similarly mad Livery races and parades begin at noon. The Clockmakers do the timing, the Musicians sing, the Gunmakers fire the starting pistol, and the Arbitrators do the judging. We can just turn up for this & be enthusiastic supporters.  Let the Clerk know you're coming, so she can look out for you.  Buy pancakes on the spot.  For lunch & networking in the Crypt GuildhallHot Poulters Soup & Fork Buffet Lunch from 1:30 pm.  Admission to this by ticket only, £25 per head.Contact direct cookand butler@btconnect.com (phone 020 7620 1818) to book, plus again let Adele know so she can look out for us - clerk@wcomc.org 

Alderman Alison Gowman & the Reverend George R.Bush, Chairman of the City of London Fairtrade Group invite you to a free event - an ethical wine & chocolate tasting evening at the Alderman's Dining Room, West Wing, Guildhall, Tuesday 4th March 2014, 6:30-8:00 pm. RSVP by Thurs 27th Feby at: 


The Clerk reports that on 1st November a sum of £200 was paid by standing order by a company called Moon Oyster Ltd.  The office cannot identify the member or past member that this deposit relates to.  Can anyone please provide this information? clerk@wcomc.org

Re the Clerk's Office: Sadly Jackie Johnson will be leaving us at the end of March and we are therefore looking for her replacement.  The position of Assistant to the Clerk requires 20 hours per week, with a salary of £14k per annum.  Hours are fairly flexible, as long as there is a presence of at least 3 days a week in the City office, where the position is based.  If you know of anyone who might be interedted please ask the Clerk for a job description.   clerk@wcomc.org

The Worshipful Company of Educators: Master, Sir John Stuttard, invites you to 2014 free seminars on 24 Feby, 3 March, 7 April and 15 May.  Contact geoffrey.edwards@btinternet.com for details.

The Lord Mayor's Charity Golf Day Hadley Wood GC, Monday 28th July 2014, organised by the Worshipful Company of Builders Merchants. Further details to be circulated, but please indicate your interest by contacting John White - jlwhite@talk21.com or by telephone on 020 8363 3920.

The City Water Debate 24 February 2014. £35/head.  Contact for flyer - paulnash@plumberscompany.org.uk 

Knowledge of the City - Lecture series organised by City of London Guides.  St Bride Institute, Bride Lane (off Fleet St), London EC4Y 8EQ. On Thursday 6th, 13th, 20th and 27th March.  6:30 - 8pm.  Cost £10/lecture, or $36 for the series of four.   Contact  debbie.guide@btopenworld.com for Programme

Worshipful Company of Marketors - "Ryder Cup" Golf Day at the Verulam Golf Club, St Albans, Herts, Monday July 7th and Tuesday 8th 2014.   Contact Peter Short, Event Director,  prs2000@btinternet.com for details

SME opportunity to become an official supporter of the Lord Mayor's Appeal. For a donation of £400, companies will receive a number of benefits described in the SME Pack. For this pack and further details, contact james@thelordmayorsappeal.org or on 0207 332 3908

In St Paul's Cathedral, Sons and Friends of the Clergy:  at    5 pm, 13 May 2014.  This year your Master will be taking part in the 360th festival of the above.  This service is attended by the Lord Mayor, and Masters of all the Livery companies process in and out.  Attendance at the church service is free to our members and their guests although a church donation will be expected. We need to apply for tickets by Friday 21st February so please can you email the Clerk before then if you are interested in attending, and remember to cancel if you no longer need your ticket.   clerk@wcomc.org


This newsletter is produced by the WCoMC Communications Group.  Please let us know if you have any items to include in relation to any topics that come to mind!  The opinions expressed in this newsletter represent those of the contributors and not necessarily those of the Company. WCoMC is a Chartered Charity (Privy Council Reference C877)
and a Company Incorporated by Royal Charter (Company No. RC000819).