Effective Client Engagement 18 Feb:  CMCE Showcase
CMCE Workshop: The Strategy Process 4 Mar:  Plaisterers' Hall
Click here for our rolling calendar or here for City events

NL June 2015


WCoMC is a collegiate forward looking Modern City Livery Company;  we maintain City traditions, share expertise and information between fellow members and give back to the community through our pro bono activities.

WCoMC News

What’s up?

 Master Patrick Chapman

Freedom of the City

David  Wreford

David Wreford heading for London Bridge with flock leader...

Keeping in Shape

The First Warden, David Peregrine-Jones - invited to the best places (see Article)

The Second Warden, Noorzaman Rashid - keeping in shape for the vicissitudes ahead...

Worshipfuls on the Youth Business International (YBI) Assessment Trail 

Gia Campari with the YBI entrepreneurs team at Peru

John Corneille for YBI in Uganda

Website Support:


Issue 21:  June 2015


Preface from The Master:

  • Firstly:  I don't know if you have noticed but the newsletter is 21 this issue. My heartfelt thanks to Elizabeth Consalvi. We all owe her a massive debt of gratitude for her persistence, getting reluctant authors to the keyboard ... on time ...

  • Secondly:  ... except me; sorry everyone, I am the one who usually delays the final distribution, adding in my bit JIT ...

  • Thirdly:  which brings me to two events that I am reporting in our City Blog: The first is "Jailed and Bailed" when I was banged up in The Tower having been accused of poor time-keeping (amongst other unreasonable charges) but gladly then Bailed, thanks to the generosity of fellow members - yes I am still around; and the second is our Mansion House lunch (back in March). Mark Fox took a load of pictures which I am still assembling into a montage. Have a look at the City Blog this weekend by which time I expect to be finished!


Creating an opportunity for all Management Consultants to obtain a chartered professional qualification - plus creating a 'consultancy community' within the Chartered Management Institute, that builds on existing Institute of Consulting networks....

Assistant Graham Kennedy, Chair of the Institute of Consulting London and South East Management Committee, calls on WCoMC members to become involved in the Consultation period for the Chartered Management Consultant Award...  


The capabilities of management that were sufficient in the past are no longer sufficient in a world of ever-increasing complexity. We need a new mode of thinking in order to bring value to our clients.... 

Freeman Simon Davey navigates us through the concept of "systems thinking"....


WCoMC Assessors for Youth Business International entrepreneur networks, leave the adventure trail temporarily to recount some of their experiences....

Assistant David Johnson calls these kit-carrying mavericks in to 'Shoptalk' to report...


In the embattled Financial Services industry - where another high profile scandal would only serve to erode trust further....

Freeman Frank Brown takes us through a programme for assessing the 'cultural health' of the organisation - where failings are often driven by 3 key elements....


Roth Observatory International's view on the marketing landscape this year....

Freeman Lucinda Peniston-Baines outlines the practice areas on which to focus....


The WCoMC Golf Team smashes its way round the second oldest Golf Club in England.  Rarely has such a performance been seen in the club's 150 years of existence ....

Liveryman 'Long Drive' David Shannon swings us through this sensational event.... 


Tense one-on-one duels as WCoMC send spray up in the faces of the other Livery Company crews during the Cowes sailing weekend....

Immediate Past Master Edward Sankey and crew carve through the waters to uphold the Company's reputation....  


Two Army Reserve Bands - Thursday 23 July in the Guildhall Yard!!  6pm to 7 pm::   The Honourable Artillery Company and the Band of the Royal Yeomanry will perform a joint concert in Guildhall Yard. Open to all members of the public. Spread the word amongst friends and work colleagues to promote this unique City occasion!  Any queries contact Anne Ridge 0207 332 3445, City Events Team, Guildhall

Look at the Diary menu tab in the News pages at the Livery Committee website for a huge range of Livery-related information. http://www.liverycompanies.info  To comment or contribute to future editions of the 'Livery Briefing', contact Nigel Pullman at nrpullman@btinternet.com 

Sunday 26 July 2015 from 10:30 to 14:00hrs.  St James Garlickhythe Patronal Festival 2015.  At St James's Church, Garlick Hill EC4V 2AF City of London. You are invited!!

Worshipfully supporting that healthy level of insanity in your Client's workplace...

-Say to your boss, "I like your style" and shoot him with double-barrelled fingers.

-Reply to everything someone says with "that's what YOU think?".

-Kneel in front of the water cooler and drink directly from the nozzle.

-Staple papers in the middle of the page.

-Repeat the following conversation a few times: "Do you hear that?" "What?" "Never mind, it's gone now."

-Ask people what gender they are.

-Ask your co-workers mysterious questions and then scribble their answers in a notebook. Mutter something about "psychological profiles".

-Reconstruct the meeting in front of you using action figures and when anyone moves re-arrange the figures accordingly.

-Draw a chalk circle around one of the chairs then avoid sitting on it, when the meeting starts. When someone does eventually sit in it, cover your mouth and gasp.

-Produce a hamster from your pocket and suggest throwing it to one another as a means of idea-exchange......

            Offer to write!  Send News and pics to -

             elizabeth.consalvi@consultant.com  - Editor

This newsletter is produced by the WCoMC Communications Group.  Please let us know if you have any items to include in relation to any topics that come to mind!  The opinions expressed in this newsletter represent those of the contributors and not necessarily those of the Company.
​WCoMC is a Chartered Charitable Organisation (Privy Council Reference C877) and a Company Incorporated by Royal Charter (Company No. RC000819).