Back to the 1930's: another dispatch from Poland ...
But I only wanted a database? "It's a bit more complicated than that... Our takeaway databases come in 3 sizes: Ultimately frustrating; Soon to be chaotic; Complete and utter disaster...."
Freeman Dr Simon Davey navigates....
A holiday home in Normandy? It's definitely foreign - and we Brits are actually liked there.... But Oh how we would NOT want to trail through this paragon of a village - with its boulangerie, the two epiceries, the boucherie and the 8 restaurants....
Liveryman Andrew Miskin guides us through this paradise - which has a population of only 600....!
The Corporate Governance Round Table's Human Capital Debate: Chaired by PM Bob Garratt and sponsored by WCoMC....
Concerns raised, such as pressures to accumulate debt to get human capital; the risk associated with not valuing diversity in your leaders; and the key element of effective language for discussion of human capital....
Liveryman Simon Engwell elucidates....
Shop Talk: 16 February 2016: A session on Networking within transformational change projects in large organisations; Networking Etiquette: 2 is company, read the signals, excuse me please; the importance of having a position statement – for elevator pitches or full tender presentations…. Liveryman Simon Engwell has the Shop-goss....
Helping our Pro Bono volunteers....
We have started to build a resource-bank for members who are working with our clients in the Third (NonProfit) Sector. We hope that it will grow over time, bringing together our links to other organisations that support the sector – especially Cass CCE – with copies of helpful slides that have been used in our evening workshops. Have a look and please make suggestions of content that you know exists, but which is not there yet. The direct link is You need to be logged in to view this page, which is accessed from the Members Area Menu which you can access from the Members Area link at the top of the screen after logging in on our website.
IPM Patrick Chapman
Tribute to Heather Matheson: we are so sad to report that Assistant Heather Matheson has died, after a short illness, leaving her husband, David Wilson, and two sons, Robbie and Ben.

Funeral Arrangements: Her funeral service will be on 13th April in the afternoon for her family and close friends, and it will be followed by a reception - a Celebration of Heather's Life - from 5.30pm to 8.00pm at Crondon Park, Billericay, Essex CM4 9DP at which everyone will be welcome.
Messages and Donations: A page has been set up on Heather's website for messages and donations to three Charities that she specifically wished to be supported - including WCoMC, in relation to our ProBono Mentoring programme.
At the Court of Assistants on 2nd March 2016, the Court agreed that an award be named in her memory. Accordingly The Master’s Chalice will be awarded each year by the Pro-Bono Committee to a Freeman or Liveryman of the Company, with the citation: “The Master’s Chalice awarded in Memory of Assistant Heather Matheson in recognition of outstanding contributions to the Company’s Pro-Bono programme”
- Walks and Talks about the City - Thursday 7th, 14th, 21st, 28th April. 6:30 - 8 pm. £10/talk or £36 for the series of 4 talks. For details contact
- Saturday 9th April - "Lawn Craft Day" and Saturday 14th May - "Enhancing Colour in the Garden". 10.30 am to 3.45 pm. Cost £48/day. Two hands-on days with practical instruction, coffee, light lunch with wine, tea and cake. At Capel Manor College, Bullsmoor Lane, Enfield, Middlesex EN1 4RQ. Request application form and further details from
- Friday 15th April, Guildhall Art Gallery, Guildhall Yard EC2V5AE City Music Foundation. An evening of words, music and cocktails featuring Simon Callow, Joan Rodgers, Roger Vignoles and CMF Artist Raphaela Papadakis. From 6 pm. Tickets £60 - two for £100.
Friday 6th May: The Chairman of The London Motor Show is a keen supporter of the Livery Companies of the City of London and would like to offer you some complimentary tickets to attend as his guests. The tickets are in limited supply but Julie Fox, our Clerk is holding some. Contact: More information about the show on-
Friday 20th May. Abseil Challenge Event, Lord Mayor’s Appeal - a unique chance to abseil 130 feet from the clock tower of the historical St Lawrence Jewry. Taking part could not be easier. Simply raise £500 and go to website - If you wish to liaise with the Sea Cadets team, contact
- Wed 25th May, 6 for 6:30 - 8:30 pm The Faith Group is holding their 3rd event - "Islam: Implications for the City" Cost £20, includes canapes and beverages. Further details at Please book with John Watson at
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