The WCoMC Wine Course (flexible dates):  Self-paced Online
Drinks in the City 6 Nov:  The Conductor, Fleet Street
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NL May 2017


WCoMC is a collegiate forward looking Modern City Livery Company; we maintain City traditions, share expertise and information between fellow members and give back to the community through our pro bono activities.

WCoMC News

Our latest City updates

Master Noorzaman Rashid

Freedom of the City

Chris Sutton

What’s up?

PM Patrick Chapman (see article)

Bepi Pezzulli. Freeman (see article) 

Roger Williams, Freeman (see article)

Paul Squire, Liveryman (see article)




Newsletter Editor:


Website Support:



Issue 40:  May 2017


Your Master's Voice...

What a great month we've just had. The highlight must have been the Brexit debate, featuring Jon Moulton, Honorary Liveryman and,PM Vicky Pryce, with over 70 people in attendance!

If you are interested in standing for the Court and may be progressing to become a Warden, and then Master, please contact me directly. Nominations for elections will be open very soon! 

On 6th June at the Education Supper Marianne Lewis, Dean of Cass Business School, will be our Keynote Speaker. Marianne will  be admitted as an Honorary Freemen that night. Please book your places now.

Next months Shop Talk, 27th June, will feature Anthony Philips, who will be speaking about "Wellness as the next Competitive Edge in the war for talent"

The Celebration Dinner this year is disguised as a Summer Ball at Plaisterers' Hall on 11th July. For the first time at a WCOMC event we will have live music with dancing and activities to keep you entertained. The emphasis is on a "Party". Please look out for your invite: coming out soon!

Paul Squire is organising the GoKart Grand Prix, again to be held at Sandown Park, 18th June. We need 4 more drivers for the second car. Interested? Then contact Paul Squire direct (see article below)

I'd like to thank PM Calvert Markham for the huge amount of work undertaken to establish the Centre for Management Consultancy Excellence, one of my 3 strategic initiatives launched during my year. The first seminar associated with the Centre will be the Urwick Lecture to be held on 11th September. A 3-Year Plan for the Centre will be discussed by the Court in June.

Noorzaman Rashid, Master


The wine must get through - or how we learnt to drive in the HGV Lane...! Rattling across borders, The Chapmans show real stoicism in their determination to bring our beverages home...

Brexit: The Italian Job:  Milan hoping to clear up after Brexit:  "Select Milano" has set the City's lucrative clearing business in its sights..." Bepi Pezzulli, Freeman of the Worshipful Company of Management Consultants, is interviewed by "Financial News..."  

Understanding Customer 4.0 - the Customer-led revolution.  A fourth generation of commerce, led by our younger and highly influential generations, where the customer is truly in control ...

Freeman Roger Williams navigates....

Management Consultants take the lead.  City Go-Kart Grand Prix - June 18th Sandown Park, Esher... the fear-inducing tactics against our  [shall we even so call them] "Competitors" have begun...!  Register your interest NOW as a driver, sponsor, supporter, groupie...


RIP Sir Paul Judge - A Tribute.

Friend, and Honorary Liveryman of the Company....


Make an informed decision on Voting Day - Thursday June 8th....  

Links to all the Party Manifestos... 

 Britain's next big Challenge....!



- Tuesday 6th June at the Education Supper.    Marianne Lewis, Dean of Cass Business School, will be our Keynote Speaker. Marianne will be admitted as an Honorary Freemen that night. Book here now...

- 18th June - City Go-Kart Grand Prix at Sandown Park, Esher.  Contact:  Paul Squire (See article above...)

- Shop Talk: Tuesday 27th June @ 6pm to be held at The Counting House, 50 Cornhill, London EC3V 3PD. Anthony Phillips MD  will speak on "Wellness the next competitive edge in the modern war for talent".                Book here....

- Invitation to The Public Sector Show. 27th June at the ExCel London.  Free.  The show brings together over 2000 public sector professionals from public services, with the aim of sharing key policy updates, learning from best practice case studies and discovering new solutions to improve delivery across public sectors.  More information at  Register for your free places - Here...- A Practical Guide to Petitioning for a Grant of Arms (over wine and lunch) At Information Technologists’ Hall, 27th June  1pm - 4pm - 39A Bartholomew Close, London EC1A 7JN. A hugely unique event!  (See Invitation from the Master, in your Inbox 27th May).

- Date for your Diary!  The Celebration Dinner this year is disguised as a Summer Ball at Plaisterers' Hall on 11th July.  It will be a spectacular party!

The Lord Mayor's Abseil !!  On 8th September, Alderman Dr Andrew Parmley will undertake one of the most frightening of his Mayoral demos... abseiling down the 225 meter Cheese Grater to raise funds for his charitable programmes.  He asks please that we sponsor him - but for NO MORE than £10.

This newsletter is produced by the WCoMC Communications Group. Please let us know if you have any items to include in relation to any topics that come to mind! The opinions expressed in this newsletter represent those of the contributors and not necessarily those of the Company.
​WCoMC is a Chartered Charitable Organisation (Privy Council Reference C877) and a Company Incorporated by Royal Charter (Company No. RC000819).