Effective Client Engagement 18 Feb:  CMCE Showcase
CMCE Workshop: The Strategy Process 4 Mar:  Plaisterers' Hall
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NL October 2017


WCoMC is a collegiate forward looking Modern City Livery Company; we maintain City traditions, share expertise and information between fellow members and give back to the community through our pro bono activities.

WCoMC News

Our latest City updates


What’s up?

Master David Johnson

Immediate Past Master  Noorzaman Rashid 

Mrs Mary Johnson, Mistress, receiving her Brooch from Past Mistress, Kulbir Shergill

New Court Assistants

Simon Engwell, John Pulford, Nanette Young

Installation Dinner

Past Master, Sir George Cox

Anna Manz, CFO of £12bn turnover FTSE 100 firm Johnson Matthey, and niece of the Master

Hilary Vernon,John Corneille, Kate  Ellis, Tony Vernon

Anastasia Kourovskaia, PM Ian Daniell, Leslie Johnson  

Chris and Corinna Edge, Carole Markham, Ian and Angela McCarthy

Liz Walker, Liz Padmore

The Johnson Brothers:  Robert, David, Stephen and Martin

Robert Johnson, Jackie Johnson, Tim McAndrews

PM Patrick Chapman and Past Mistresses Christine Broomhead, Ann Chapman Karen Sankey

IPM Noorzaman Rashid, Kulbir Shergill, PM David Peregrine-Jones, Rosemary O'Mahoney, Caroline Peregrine-Jones

Elizabeth Consalvi, Sarah Kendall,  Gia Campari, Jeff Herman






TOP TEAM:  Master and Wardens - 2nd Warden Denise Fellows; IPM Noorzaman Rashid Master David Johnson; Father of the Livery Calvert Markham; 1st WardenJohn Corneille; 3rd Warden Bob Harris  

Your Master's Voice...

Dear Members of the Worshipful Company

I am honoured and humbled to have been installed as your Master for 2017 - 2018.

My first ambition is to get to know as many of those members with whom I am not familiar, and understand as best I can what each of you wants to give and to  gain from the Company.

My second ambition is to highlight and promote the good work the Company has done and is doing; to further the initiatives of my predecessors and through this get better traction with the profession and city.

And thirdly, I have a personal view that encouraging the recognition of exemplars of Management Consulting Professionalism - while also setting standards for Management Consulting Professionals (at all levels) - is essential to continuing and developing the identity of the Profession. In particular Government recognition of those standards needs to be achieved. ,Doing this I believe will help, over the years, to embed Management Consultancy as a Profession, and those qualified as such will be sought after by clients.

I am looking forward to a busy year encouraging 'out reach' while, most importantly, enjoying your fellowship.

David Johnson, Master


- The Installation Dinner 2017 - The Master's personal version and perspective ....

- Brexit - Productivity and Patience.... Recent data from the ONS shows that since the financial crisis five sectors of the economy account for two thirds of the much-discussed decline in productivity growth. Strikingly, these sectors only add up to some 11% of the economy....

Honorary Freeman, Jon Moulton, Investment Professional, strides a delicate path through the complexities.... 

- PULL !  Novices, Experts and Groupies.... WCoMC is forming a clay shooting team....!  Anyone getting the bug can easily be competitive from a standing start by May - OR just come for the "Shoot Lunch". Freeman Douglas Mancini outlines The Plan for WCoMC to clean up at the Inter-Livery Shoot and City Championships....  

- Noorzaman Rashid cooks for Court during National Curry Week [October 9th-15th]  Master Chef, Noorzaman signs off as Master, by producing a gourmet meal for thousands  at Barbican...

- Keeping Management Consultants Informed...The Parliamentary Committee on Exiting the European Union questions the Secretary of State, David Davis, on the progress of the Brexit negotiations. This is the first oral evidence session of the Committee's inquiry into the progress of the UK's negotiations on Brexit. Wednesday 25 October, Boothroyd Room, Portcullis House.  The Committee examines four specific topics. Read what those are; and Watch this session live on Parliament TV....

- "No - it's NOT difficult to get your own bunch of sheep across the Thames within an allotted time... Go on, there's nothing to it...", the Woolmen snigger...  as Liveryman and Almoner, Gill King, pursues her Herdswoman's Certificate....

- WCoMC support converts to music...! 

 Liveryman Simon Chapman ushers in the Corps of Drums of South West London Army Cadet Force, in the finals of the first Lord Mayor's Cadet Music Competition...


 Book now for a place in History !  Lord Mayor's Show Saturday 11th November : We are extending an invitation to every Liveryman & Freeman to play a part in the history of the Livery. A landmark event in London's calendar since the Middle Ages, the unrivalled pageantry of the Lord Mayor's Show is attended by half a million people each year. Come and have fun and show your pride in Your Livery and in Management Consulting as a Profession. Parade alongside our 'Military Service' the Sea Cadets' and a vibrant mix of the nation's military bands and colourful floats. Don't just read about history, be part of it! (Places for marchers are limited by the Organizers). Marchers can Breakfast at the Master's Flat by the Barbican. Lunch is at "The George on the Strand" (for which there will be a charge). See the Lord Mayor's Show website for full details of the Show    https://lordmayorsshow.london/

To apply for the privilege of a place, contact The Master at davidjohnsonwcomc@yahoo.co.uk  

Inaugural Global Symposium at the Centre for Management Consulting Excellence (CMCE). - Wed 15th November: 6:o'c - 9:30.An Evening withTom Peters. Co-author with Robert Waterman of one of the biggest-selling ever business books "In search of Excellence".  At Cass Business School, 106 Bunhill Row EC1Y 8TZ.  This is a lecture, plus informal refreshments for networking and discussions.     Book here....      

- Ealing Festival - Prequel Concerts  Thurs 16th and Thurs 23rd November:     Past Master, Patrick Chapman, Chairs....

- Shop Talk: Tues 28th November:  At The Counting House, 50 Cornhill EC3V 3PD  "Managing and Mis-Managing Change ".  Dr Anne-Lisa Goddings MA (Cantab), MBBS will discuss Change in Mind neurology. She will focus on the neurology of the brain and what current research on brain structure and consciousness teaches us about how people manage and mismanage organisational change.

 Cash bar.  Please bring £15 to cover venue and food.

Book here....

Keeping the level of insanity high in the Client's workplace...

Concern generated amongst the Consulting team when their client loses their biggest asset.
A somewhat unprofitable Zoo is facing a massive loss of funds when their gorilla dies of old age, right before the gates open. 
The gorilla was their most popular attraction by far, and they cannot afford to go a day without it. Naturally the Management Consultant team take up this challenge, and the Project Manager is assigned to replace the gorilla in the interim, while funds are allocated to finding another one which the zoo can afford. The promise of an increase in daily rate assuages the Project Manager's concerns, and a gorilla suit is couriered in.
The characteristics of most Management Consultants including astonishing self-belief, he very quickly becomes the most popular feature at the zoo.  Profits soar.
After about a month, however, the craze has started to wear off. Consultants meet to devise a further strategy. The "gorilla" is tasked with performing more attention-getting feats.  (No more sitting around eating a banana). Young and athletic, he decides to climb over his enclosure and hang from the net ceiling above the adjacent lion's den.
A large crowd of people gather, awestruck, to watch this spectacle. Terrified. Suddenly the Project Manager loses his grip and falls to the floor of the lion's den. The man starts screaming "HELP!! HELP!!!"  The lion pounces on him from behind and whispers in his ear, "Look mate,  Shut up right now!  or you're going to get us both fired..."
  Sea Cadets


Newsletter Editor:

Website Support:

Issue 44:  Oct 2017

This newsletter is produced by the WCoMC Communications Group. Please let us know if you have any items to include in relation to any topics that come to mind! The opinions expressed in this newsletter represent those of the contributors and not necessarily those of the Company.
​WCoMC is a Chartered Charitable Organisation (Privy Council Reference C877) and a Company Incorporated by Royal Charter (Company No. RC000819).