Effective Client Engagement 18 Feb:  CMCE Showcase
CMCE Workshop: The Strategy Process 4 Mar:  Plaisterers' Hall
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NL September 2016


WCoMC is a collegiate forward looking Modern City Livery Company; we maintain City traditions, share expertise and information between fellow members and give back to the community through our pro bono activities.

WCoMC News

Our latest City updates

What’s up?

New Freemen

Martina Platts

Richard Smith

James Wilk
Honorary Freeman

Lance Jefferson

Court Members at the Tamesis Sailing Club

Chef Noorzaman Rashid, 1st Warden, with his sous-Chef team

Master Sailor, David Peregrine-Jones 


Annual Service

Father of the Livery, Master, Wardens, IPM, Pastor


Newsletter Editor:


Website Support:

Issue 33:  Sept 2016


Your Master's Voice....

In June I mentioned that we may need to chew over the many, many unknown and - perhaps - unintended consequences ourselves of the Brexit vote as they emerge. I said that nothing significant will be decided for a month or so, which still seems pretty accurate. Having wondered if members would like an informal event to discuss this among ourselves, Shoptalk came up with a really stimulating discussion chaired by the First Warden (the key points were captured and can be found later on). Having listened to two of our members (Vicky Pryce and Jon Moulton) discussing it with Evan Davies on Newsnight, we asked and they have agreed to provide an informed commentary for us all at the twelve month stage. It is sure to be a sell out so do remember to check the new Company Calendar and book in good time!  As I write, our Honorary Liveryman,  Alderman Dr Andrew Parmley, has just been elected to be the Lord Mayor for the coming year. We always support the Lord Mayor’s Show but this is definitely one to come to and walk with the Sea Cadets or simply cheer. Speaking of which, I find I have agreed to join in the Abseil on 14th Oct to support the Lord Mayor’s Appeal. It would be nice to meet our very modest contribution and even better if you came to cheer (or jeer!).

David Peregrine-Jones, Master


Why we should talk about race... the first thing that we notice about another person, but the last thing that we mention....  Freeman Kulbir Shergill describes the basics of an honest conversation....

Imagine cycling with 27,000 others;  more than the capacity of the 02 arena....  Liveryman Martin Down raises money for a community where improved sanitation would save the lives and broken hearts of many families....

Sudden death in West London....  Graciously declining to embarrass the former Lord Mayor of London and his wife, Assistant Bob Harris and Clerk Julie Fox however took them to the edge at the Inter-Livery Tennis Tournament at Queens....

Goodbye to Rio....   Our Overseas Sports Correspondent, Liveryman John Pulford, dials in some commentary....


-Thursday 20th October Installation Dinner 2016. A Black Tie Gourmet Dinner celebrating the start of our new Livery year.  6:30pm to 10:30pm at Vintners' Hall, 68 Upper Thames St EC4V 3BG .  This will be a stunning event.   Details and for booking....     

- Thursday 27 October, at 6 pm: Pro Bono Evening Workshop:  "Social Investment:  the key to future Charity funding?"  Cass Business School, 106 Bunhill Row, EC1Y8TZ.  Food, wine and networking....

Event details and bookings here....    

- New Business Blockbuster !  On 1st October, seven WCoMC members are launching a book entitled “99 Essential Business Questions”. The Authors are Gia Campari, David Glassman, Michael Jeans, Patrick McHugh, David Peregrine-Jones, David Shannon, Benjamin Taylor. This book (see picture at left) will make a serious impact on the business market.  It represents around 40 meetings and 1500 hours input; [management time worth some £750,000].  From 1st October, the book can be purchased through the website -  www.99essentialquestions.com 


- ***NEWSFLASH***  We have been challenged by the Grocers!!    Join the Lord Mayor's Abseil Challenge on Friday 14th October :  to beat the Worshipful Company of Grocers, and raise funds for the Sea Cadets, helping to replace two of their sea going vessels (Tradewind 35 yachts).Check out the programme and the contacts here....

- What's on in the City?     Look in the City diary to find events and lunch venues intended for Liverymen, Freemen and their guests....

- Goldsmiths’ Fair 2016:  2 – 9 October.  The annual showcase of British fine jewellery and contemporary silver.  Goldsmiths’ Fair is the premier destination to buy the most exquisite, one-of-a-kind, precious metal pieces.  Throughout there is a "talks" programme by industry experts.   Book tickets through  www.goldsmithsfair.co.uk/

- Coachmakers are holding an event to discuss automotive trends in the automotive industry; discusses opportunities for users plus for young people who want to work in engineering and design.  Wednesday 12th October, 1900hrs – 21.45 latest (includes wine etc and nibbles).  Cost £49.  Contact mike.moran@btinternet.com  to book, and for further details.


Worshipful Protocols....

 "I’ll sell it; You deliver it…"


A Partner in a large management consulting firm and a more junior colleague decide to go on a weekend trip hunting bears.


They arrive at their small log cabin set in a clearing deep in the forest. The Junior Consultant starts to prepare a simple meal for them in the kitchen and begins to set up the range of equipment he has brought along for the bear hunt.


The Partner drops his bags and immediately disappears out the front door of the cabin; he is gone for about an hour.


Suddenly, the Partner comes running at full speed out of the trees, back across the clearing and straight in through the front door of the cabin, with a huge grizzly bear just a few paces behind him.


As he disappears out the back door he yells over his shoulder at the Junior Consultant   "OK, You skin this Beauty, I’ll go and get us another!"



NOTE:  On 5th September, Parliament held a Debate on a petition related to the EU Referendum, which carried nearly 4.5 million signatures.  The Editor - on her own initiative - attended this Debate (the whole three hours of it!)  Below is the link to a tape of this Debate, plus a transcript.  Those WCoMC members who like to be informed could watch 15 minutes of David Lammy MP, beginning at around 17.03 on the tape.  It gives an excellent summary, and includes an interjection by Chuka Umunna.  




Articles and pics to:  The Editor - elizabeth.consalvi@consultant.com

This newsletter is produced by the WCoMC Communications Group. Please let us know if you have any items to include in relation to any topics that come to mind! The opinions expressed in this newsletter represent those of the contributors and not necessarily those of the Company.
​WCoMC is a Chartered Charitable Organisation (Privy Council Reference C877) and a Company Incorporated by Royal Charter (Company No. RC000819).