The WCoMC Wine Course (flexible dates):  Self-paced Online
Drinks in the City 6 Nov:  The Conductor, Fleet Street
Click here for our rolling calendar or here for City events

NL September 2017


WCoMC is a collegiate forward looking Modern City Livery Company; we maintain City traditions, share expertise and information between fellow members and give back to the community through our pro bono activities.

WCoMC News

Our latest City updates

Noorzaman Rashid, Master


What’s up?

Freedom of the City

Lewis Conquer with family and friends


New Freemen

Gwen Stirling

New Liverymen

Kulbir Shergill

Rachel Whitehouse

Annual Service

Master and Senior Company Officers at St James Garlickhythe

PM Patrick Chapman - Auctioneer Supremo

Urwick Lecture 

Professor Will Harvey, Professor Tim Morris and Calvert Markham 

(see article)

Congratulations !

Baritone Roderick Williams OBE

in the Queens' Birthday Honours 2017

(see Links to his Radio 4 and BBC Proms' performances)


Opera diva, Gia Campari, Liveryman, designs an opera spectacle in Italy and leads the international Chorus (see article by PM Ian Daniell, tenor)

Past Master Ian Daniell


PM Edward Sankey (see article)


Calvert Markham, Father of the Livery (see article)


Rebecca Harding, Liveryman (see Germany Elections article plus new book, The Weaponisation of Trade)










Your Master's Voice

A big thank you to everyone who has supported my year as Master and in particular Kulbir Shergill my consort - and now Liveryman! Congratulations to our Master Elect David Johnson, who will be installed on19th October.

I have had a delightful year and am most proud of helping to build our reputation within the wider Livery, having engaged over 70 other companies in our events, seminars and lectures! In particular, I would like to thank PM Calvert Markham and his team who have launched my strategic initiative, the Centre for Management Consultancy Excellence, with gusto.

Over the last two years, in particular, we have begun to build a strong platform to position the WCoMC Company as a vibrant and great modern Livery Company. The success of Shop Talk led by Kulbir and Rachel Whitehouse reflects some of this success. Steve Cant's leadership of pro bono continues to strengthen our reputation.

The Charitable Fund and Pro bono Committee will identify a significant charitable project for the company to pursue and Frank Brown continues to lead our Maths in Education project.

There are many people to thank. However, I'd like to thank in particular Julie Fox our Clerk, whose commitment has been relentless and Richard Swift who has made an amazing contribution as our Treasurer over the last few years. Last but not least Elizabeth Consalvi for keeping us updated on big and small matters throughout the year!

Kulbir has been elected as Co-Chair of the Consorts group for her year and I am Vice-Chair of my Past Masters Association. This will keep us both very busy.

Sheriffs’ Ball and Fundraising

We are pleased to announce that at the Sheriff's’ Ball on 15th September the master was auctioned off to cook a Maharajah Feast.  Sheriff Neil Redcliffe was the successful bidder at £2,250. 

At our own Autumn Celebration, we raised just over £4,000 for our Charitable Fund. Thank you to all the successful bidders and members who donated prizes!

Election of Sheriffs 2018

The Master has been appointed to the Campaign Team for Richard Fleck CBE Past Master Tallow Chandler.  If you'd     like to learn more please contact the Master

Noorzaman Rashid


It was all going so well until our dance teacher arrived.  Not that she wasn't charming, professional and utterly committed.  However....   Past Master Ian Daniell performing the Arabesque, as Management Consultants take over Italian culture....

One of the classic offshore races, for many sailors the "Fastnet" is still regarded as Everest....  Past Master Edward Sankey navigates us through the straight line course of 608 miles... if only sailing boats travelled in straight lines.... 

Four Key areas on which to focus if a firm needs to change its reputation:  Calvert Markham, Father of the Livery, analyses the inaugural Urwick Lecture...

Germany's Election at the end of September was supposed to be dull...! But now Angela Merkel has the complex task of forming a "Jamaica" coalition.  Rumours are proliferating about what happens next... Liveryman and Economist, Dr Rebecca Harding has been monitoring this situation, and makes some predictions.... 

- Famous Children:  Roderick Williams, baritone and son of Liveryman Adrian Williams, received the OBE in the Queen's Birthday Honours, 2017... He is presenting "Choral history of Britain" , a series on BBC Radio 4 on Wednesdays at 9 a.m.  Roderick is also shown here singing "Ol Man River" at the BBC Proms 2014...

- A new book by Liveryman and Economist Rebecca Harding and Jack Harding - “The Weaponisation of Trade:the Great Unbalancing of Politics and Economics”...
Trade is being weaponized – and this isn’t good. The belligerence of the language today means trade is becoming predominantly political and strategic, rather than economic.   The authors of this book explain why this is, why it is so dangerous and also present new data on unseen trade in arms and dual-use goods....


- Installation Ceremony and Dinner - (black tie) Thursday 19th October at Vintners' Hall.  6::30 - 11 pm at Upper Thames Street EC4V 3BG  Make your reservations here...!
- Shop Talk: Tuesday 28th November at 5:30pm - "Change in Mind"  at The Counting House, 50 Cornhill, London EC3V 3PD  Book here....
- Goldsmiths Fair:  Open  Tues 3 - Sunday 8 October: gorgeous contemporary designer jewellery and silver....
- Livery briefing: The Livery Committee provides a bi-monthly briefing and diary of City Events. The early evening events are aimed at introducing Liverymen and Freemen to the City of London Corporation and its links and inter-relationships with the Livery. Past attendees have commented on how useful and informative they have found these sessions, as they provide an opportunity to ask questions of the City Corporation. We hope that as many of you as possibe will take advantage of these. They are also tracked on our website - see the City Pages: click here to view and follow through to the briefings and other publications, including the new City Values Forum guide: "Governing Culture"
- During 2017 and 2018 - Monthly Roast Beef Carvery Lunch dates at Painters' Hall.  Contact Sarah Levy or ph.020 7248 1163 to book, or for more information.



Maintaining that healthy level of insanity in your Client's workplace....

Key to the Management Consultant taking control of the new Project is to scramble all existing Communication systems...  Priority is to send your IT team in to change the Voicemail messages of the Upper Circle - CEO, CFO, Divisional Managers etc.  Ergo.... 

- "Hello.  This is George’s answering machine and I will need a few things from you. #1 is your full name including middle name. #2 is your address including postal code. #3 is your credit card number with the 3 digit security code on the back. There’s an off-limits site I want to join and I don’t want to use my mother's details..."

-"Hello, I understand how annoying long messages can be. Why do people always waste so much time talking about inconsequentials ? Well I’m with you on this one. I can’t stand people who leave long messages talking about nothing useful. Why can’t they just get to the point? All they have to say is “Hey I’m not here because I’m doing important stuff. Leave a message!”  Anyway I’ve kept this message short. Leave one after the beep…."

- "Alright listen, I’m on one line with my girlfriend and her best friend is on the other. Leave a message and if you promise to not tell either of them that I’m a player, I’ll call you back."

- "Hello. This is George’s p.a. and he’s on annual leave. He’s partying in the Caribbean.  If you like you can rob his place and I won’t say a word..."

- "Hello.  This is George.  I didn’t answer your earlier call because, well, I didn’t want to..."

- "Luke.. This is George.  I am your father!"

- "Yo Yo Yo.. This is George, who’s here to make the save. You want to talk to me but I will be charging a fee. Leave a message so I can make enough for a massage...!"

- "[Moan out loud.] This is George…I’m busy.. working... out... leave... a.. message..!"

- "Oh no.. You’re calling.. Someone… please pull my plug!!!    Hello.. anyone there??  NOoooo…"

- "Sorry I don’t answer the phone or check my messages but if you are calling to invite me to a party, leave a message and I’ll call you back within seconds...

"This is George and I just picked up the best answering machine in the world. The recordings are in high quality. Leave a message now so I can listen to it in 5.1 surround sound!"

"Yo, this is Bob coming to you from the rave, never knowing when to behave. I can rhyme in perfect time and you should leave one before I come in from the sun…"

"If a telephone rings in an empty room and no one is there to answer it, was there really a phone call? Help me to investigate this phenomenon by leaving your name and number after the tone…"

"What the heck do you want!?"

Send your articles and pics to The Editor....!


Newsletter Editor:


Website Support:

Issue 43:  September 2017



This newsletter is produced by the WCoMC Communications Group. Please let us know if you have any items to include in relation to any topics that come to mind! The opinions expressed in this newsletter represent those of the contributors and not necessarily those of the Company.
​WCoMC is a Chartered Charitable Organisation (Privy Council Reference C877) and a Company Incorporated by Royal Charter (Company No. RC000819).