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NL September 2019


WCoMC is a collegiate forward looking Modern City Livery Company; we maintain City traditions, share expertise and information between fellow members and give back to the community through our pro bono activities.

WCoMC News












Newsletter Editor:

Website Support:

Issue 61:  Sept 2019


Welcome to Issue 61 of the Company Newsletter 

As most readers will know, Elizabeth Consalvi - the editor of the first 60 issues of this newsletter – passed away in September.  Elizabeth was tireless and tenacious in producing the Newsletter and 60 issues over 6 years is, frankly, an impressive feat of both creativity and endurance.  As notified in the last issue, Elizabeth and I had already made plans for me to take over at this point. Her untimely death meant that she was never able to publish issue 61, planned as her swansong.  We can now only remember her for her prodigious efforts on both the Newsletter and as Livery Secretary.  She will be sorely missed.

Looking ahead. I’ll aim to build on Elizabeth’s legacy and will probably put a slightly different spin on things. More on that in the next issue.  If, by any chance, you had submitted an article to Elizabeth and it does not appear here, then I’m afraid it has “fallen down the cracks”. Apologies if that’s the case, but please contact me and submit it again.  Of course I’ll be on the lookout for new news and articles of interest so if you think you have something to contribute then please get in touch.

Election News

The recent Election Court confirmed the following appointments for next year: 

  • Master elect – Denise Fellows
  • First Warden elect – John Pulford
  • Second Warden elect – Steve Cant
  • Third Warden again! – Bob Harris
  • Court Assistants: Steve Asher, Frank Brown, Patrick Chapman, Malcolm McCaig

New complaints policy

As a modern Livery Company we are committed to ensuring that all our Members and those who work with us feel equally respected, empowered and valued, and that we have the highest standards in behaviours and professionalism.  When something goes wrong, we need you to tell us about it.  The Election Court recently approved a new complaints policy that sets out the procedure to be followed if you wish to raise a complaint.  You can find the details here: 

Your Master's Voice

This is my last newsletter contribution as Master. The last year seems to have sped by and I’m extremely grateful to the Company for the opportunity to undertake the role, which has been unlike any that I’ve experienced before. It has been a great honour to represent the Company in the City and the Livery, and it is an experience that I’ve greatly enjoyed. I’m grateful for all the support I’ve received from the members of the Company and, in particular, from the Wardens, Treasurer and Clerk.

Over the last year, we have continued to build our reputation across the Livery as a vibrant modern company which makes a significant contribution to the City. We are noted for our contribution to pan-livery initiatives and the Financial Services Group. Just this month, it was the Company’s turn to organise the Modern Livery Companies Dinner which is attended by Masters and First Wardens of modern companies and, judging by the hugely positive feedback, this has further enhanced our reputation.

Our pro bono consulting and mentoring work is now being widely recognised as being the most extensive and successful amongst the Livery companies, and I am pleased to have found the time during the past year to have remained involved with my pro bono clients. As I have said before, we offer our members opportunities to work with some incredible not-for-profit organisations and, for me, this is the most rewarding aspect of being a member of our Company.

Another successful aspect of the Company’s activities is the Center for Managment Consulting Excellence (CMCE) which has continued its development during the last year under Calvert Markham’s leadership. CMCE is now well established and is helping to build the Company’s reputation across the wider management consulting profession, building links between leading academic thinking and practitioners.

Internally, we continue to make progress in pursuing our diversity agenda, particularly in attracting more younger working members, although I would be the first to admit that it would be this is an area where it would be good to move more rapidly. We need all Company members to continue to encourage their contacts in management consultancy to join us.

Finally, I’d like to welcome Steve Cant to the role of Newsletter Editor. Steve had agreed to take on this role some time ago from Elizabeth Consalvi. Elizabeth, whose untimely death was recently announced, had been a successful editor of the Newsletter for many years. We will all miss Elizabeth greatly, and Steve has already paid tribute to her unflagging energy in the Company’s interests.

Change Lecture (David Willetts)
8 Oct 2019:  Armourers' Hall

Intergenerational fairness has risen rapidly up the national agenda in recent years. We are delighted that David Willetts, President of the Intergenerational Centre is to give this year's Change Lecture at which this issue and these matters surrounding it will be aired. There will be plenty of opportunity for everyone across the generational divide to debate the contribution that can be made both by management consultants and the City to address them.  You can sign up here:  

Installation Ceremony and Dinner 2019 - Thursday 24th October

Our annual Installation Court and Celebration Dinner launching our New Master's Year.  This event is open to Company Members to book. 

Charities Supper 2020 – Wednesday 15th January

We’ll get this plug in early ……The Pro Bono Committee is already planning the Charites Supper – one of our annual flagship events.   We’ve identified 3 speakers from our pro bono clients, and I’ll tell you more about them next time.   It’s always and excellent evening and I’d encourage you to save the date.

Financial Services Group trip to China 

At the start of August Frank Brown visited China with the Financial Services Group of Livery Companies.  Read his report here. 

On the 16th July, several members, including the Master Elect, all of whom had been involved in various initiatives at Cass Centre for Charity Effectiveness (Cass CCE) over the past few years attended a Company sponsored reception at the Nonprofit Academic Centers Council Conference Conference. Alex Skailes describes the whole conference:  

Professor Sir Paul Curran and the Master Elect at the NACC reception.

Our next Master's rock’n’roll years

Treasure Stories - Geoff Llewellyn is our guide

Each item of our Treasure comes with a “Treasure Story” attached and we proposed to document those stories here over the coming months to build a complete and consistent documentary record that can be stored and accessed via our website.  The first two Treasure Stories were included without much preamble in Newsletter Issue 60: The Wardens’ Quaich and The Mace.  This time we’ll look at the Silver Anniversary Salver. 

Management Consultancy Artefact? 

Following nicely on from Treasure, John Cowdell asks "What artefact would best represent the work of Management Consultants?" 

And finally…

I’m sure we’re all come across Maslow’s hierarchy of needs.  Well, this updated version made me laugh out loud!  

I like to think that Elizabeth would have loved it too. Similar contributions welcome!

As well as news, we’ll have a roundup of recent joiners and new liverymen, an IPM reflects, more treasure, artefact ideas, more on the Charites Supper and a report on the Change Lecture…..

Thank you for reading this far.

Steve Cant - Editor


This newsletter is produced by the WCoMC Communications Group. Please let us know if you have any items to include in relation to any topics that come to mind! The opinions expressed in this newsletter represent those of the contributors and not necessarily those of the Company.
​WCoMC is a Chartered Charitable Organisation (Privy Council Reference C877) and a Company Incorporated by Royal Charter (Company No. RC000819).