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Drinks in the City 6 Nov:  The Conductor, Fleet Street
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NL September 2013




WCoMC is a collegiate forward looking Modern City Livery Company;  we maintain City traditions, share expertise and information between fellow members and give back to the community through our pro bono activities.

          WCoMC News          

What’s up?

New members

Alex Skailes
Gaurav Bhatnagar
James Onions

John Williams

Freemen of City

Lynda Purser

Richard Stewart


New Liverymen

Jeff Cant

Paul Lampey

Steve Owen



Guest of Honour
at our Installation Dinner

Sir Paul Judge



Newsletter Editor:

Website Support:

Issue 3:  Sept 2013




Robbed in London 

'Unaccompanied midnight walking tour of the frail over-60's (see-through carrier bag for wallet and iPad provided)' 

A couple of weeks ago I received a stand out email amongst the usual rain of advertising, jokes and brain dumps that come our way 24 hours a day now. 'Come to London to be  robbed', it said. Delighted to receive this invitation from Boris's Tourism Minister.... Also free advice session from a pensions advisor based in Swaziland...

London Crossrail versus unexploded WW11 Bombs

What happens to the 4.5 million tonnes of debris? Take a guess at the eye-watering budget! Of the 17,000 tonnes of bombs that were dropped on London in WW11, ask yourself what %age failed to explode...!

Stunning pictures and a fascinating map updated during the war and used by the project, showing areas of total destruction, damage beyond repair and areas that are probably irreparable.

WCoMC member, Simon Cooke and team also received a technical papers competition award from Crossrail for their work on the project.  Get your courage together and plunge underground.  Everything exposed.

Always take the advice of your dentist when climbing an iconic mountain

What NOT to eat on a Kilimanjaro ascent...

Wishing she hadn't chosen to wear the Company 'onesy', Assistant Gia Campari turned her self-confessed lack of fitness, and her failure to take her dentist's advice, to spectacular advantage.  Gia exposes....  

Is Rugby the only artistic field where New Zealand leads the world?

You knew that was a rhetorical question...

Bass baritone, Jonathan Lemalu - BBC 3 New Generation Artist Award;  2004 Royal Philharmonic Society Award for Young Artist of the Year - sings Gershwin's Porgy and Bess

[Brief apology to Past Almoner Adrian Williams, whose son, Roderick, is the major competition...] agwaM 

The Members' Wine Wanderings Blog

The Company's website now has a new Wine Blog that covers the vinaceous wine wanderings of its author, PM Patrick McHugh.

Although the blog is private to company members follow this link for a taster  ...

Jaguars involved in Change Management exercise!

Cattle ranchers in Brazil sacrificing some of their calves to develop a new industry... 

Assistant Rosemary O'Mahony has been on safari, stimulating the growth of ecotourism in Brazil.  Sloshing about amongst rodents, tapirs, ocelots and macaws...

Ever been knee-deep in a (delicate) quagmire relating to lack of governance? 

This report is a terrific resource 

Past Master Patrick McHugh has just completed a pro-bono term as a member of the ACEVO Commission on Charity Governance, whose report was published last week. It is both interesting and useful for the following reasons:
  • it gives very practical governance guidelines
  • it points to written resources for management, AND - (and this is amazing)
  • it keeps management jargon to a minimum

Patrick has provided us with a PDF of the report which we have placed in the Members Area News - please log in and follow this link

Keeping up to date with WCoMC updates

We are working hard to keep adding stuff to the website - particularly in the Members Area (visible to members when you have logged in).  The most recent addtions are:

  • The Royal Charter, Statutes, Ordinances and Rules
  • Our Organisation Chart
  • The Annual Report

So please check this out and if you have suggestions for additions, contact the team at  Thank you.

So you want us to buy, read, admire and recommend the books you have published?

Calling all WCoMC authors to submit their writings during October.

Send the Editor the details, a brief synopsis and the Amazon etc link showing the cover, and we'll launch an Authors' section on the website for the October Newsletter.


REMINDER:  Two dates for your diary


In the Cheshire Cheese pub, Little Essex Street, WC2R 3LD, starting at 1800 hours. Cost of £10 to include a free drink, (pint of beer or glass of wine) and a curry (chicken unless requested otherwise).Tell if you are coming.  Details of speakers in the Clerk's email of 24th September.  We look forward to seeing you there....

Two weeks' time (17th October) - the Installation Dinner 

This is one of the most symbolic events of the year, to instal the new Master.  This year it will be held at Vintners' Hall, Upper Thames Street  - Black Tie.  

Proceedings include the Admission and Clothing of several people, and the Installation of the new Master, Immediate Past Master, Wardens and Court Assistants. This will be followed by a champagne reception and three course dinner with wines.  The Guest of Honour will be Alderman and Sheriff Sir Paul Judge.  The ticket price for this event is £105.00, including VAT.  Please email the Clerk to make your booking


Worshipful Observations: Lucy Kellaway of the FT pronounces:  "I shall predict the paperless office will arrive no earlier than the paperless toilet." (Submitted by Edward Sankey...)


This newsletter is produced by the WCoMC Communications Group.  Please let us know if you have any items to include in relation to any topics that come to mind!  The opinions expressed in this newsletter represent those of the contributors and not necessarily those of the Company. WCoMC is a Chartered Charity (Privy Council Reference C877) and a Company Incorporated by Royal Charter (Company No. RC000819).