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Faith Group discussion

 Registration is closed for this event
This event is open for both Company Members and non-Members to book.  The || Register Now || button will be visible to the right when bookings can be made

Reflections on the longer term impact of Covid-19 by Bishop Graham Tomlin and Rabbi Jonathan Romain

For its first online event, the Faith Group has invited two eminent speakers to reflect on the longer term impact of the pandemic and the contribution that faith communities can make. It will be chaired by our Master Denise Fellows TSSF.

Rt Rev Dr Graham Tomlin.  After ordination, Dr Graham became Chaplain of Jesus College Oxford and a tutor at Wycliffe Hall.  He completed a PhD on St Paul, Martin Luther and Blaise Pascal, and went on to teach Historical Theology at Wycliffe, where he was Vice Principal for 8 years. In 2005, he helped launch St Mellitus College and became its first Principal. Appointed Bishop of Kensington in 2015, he continues his links with St Mellitus as President. He is a contributor to The Times “Credo” column and author of several books. In 2019 he produced “The Social Legacy of Grenfell: an Agenda for Change.” 

Rabbi Dr Jonathan Romain MBE.   Rabbi Jonathan is a writer and broadcaster and minister of Maidenhead Synagogue. He has a PhD in the history of British Jewry and writes for The Times, The Independent, The Guardian, The Huffington Post, and The Jewish Chronicle and appears on radio and television. His many books include The Jews of England and Faith and Practice: A Guide to Reform Judaism Today. In 2004, Jonathan received the MBE for his pioneering work nationally in helping mixed-faith couples, a theme covered in his book Till Faith Us Do Part (HarperCollins).

Join our video conference and listen to what these two leading commentators have to say to us on this important issue.  Participate in a facilitated Q&A session after each speaker, chaired by our Master Denise Fellows, and join in a breakout discussion before the final plenary session. You will need to provide your own drinks to facilitate the discussion!

We will be using the Zoom video conferencing platform and booking is now open to Company Members. Subject to still having capacity (a maximum of 45 people) the debate will be opened to non-Members from 16 June 2020. So sign up before then to secure your place.


Members can click on this Participant Listing link to see who has booked.

Dress code is casual but respectable.

23rd Jun 2020 from  5:30 PM to  7:00 PM
Zoom Video Conference
Joining Details will be sent to Registered Participants

If selected, only members with the status New, Current or Grace and those that have a website account will be able to register for this event.

Member only event
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