Annual Church Service and Reception 25 Sept:  Save the date
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New Master's Reception

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The New Master's Reception - Save the date   This event is open both to Company Members and Non-Members to book.  The || Register Now || button will be visible to the right when bookings can be made}

New Master's Reception – 22 November 2023 at Information Technologists' Company Hall 

Having finally managed to celebrate Installation with the Company, albeit with a reduced number of attendees, the Master and Wardens are very much hoping to meet more of our members at the next fellowship event in the Company calendar.

The New Master’s Reception on 22 November will see the traditional presentation of the strategic intentions for the year ahead, along with an update on activity that has been ongoing. Master Kanan Barot and the new team of Wardens will share their thoughts and look to showcase the potential for all members to play a role in taking the Company forward, this being a key part of both the Strategy and the Master’s intent for the year. If you feel that you have more to give but are not sure you are qualified or how to go about it, then please come along and find out that you are exactly who we need to support our activities and how to play an active part in your Company.

The Master is also looking forward to admitting some new Freemen, who will be special as they initially engaged on her watch as Chair of the Membership Committee!

Those who have attended before will know that this event, alongside our Membership Reception in the spring, is one of the best semi-formal networking and fellowship events we host. We will have a finger buffet and a great range of wines from the Company cellar to help the enjoyment of meeting old friends and making new ones.

If you are a regular, then you will know you are in for a great evening. If you have not been for a while, we would love to see you and get you involved again. If you are totally new, please come along and let Master Kanan, the Wardens and the membership give you a great Company welcome!

The ticket price is £40, inclusive of VAT.

Members and registered Event Account Holders can click on this Participant Listing link to see who has booked.

Please note that payment for this event will be processed by Stripe (debit/credit card).

Dress code is "Business Attire" 

22nd Nov 2023 from  6:15 PM to  8:45 PM
Information Technologists' Hall
39A Bartholomew Close
London, EC1A 7JN
United Kingdom
Event Fee(s)
Members & Guests £ 40.00 (includes VAT of £ 6.67)

If selected, only members with the status New, Current or Grace and those that have a website account will be able to register for this event.

Member only event
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