Effective Client Engagement 18 Feb:  CMCE Showcase
CMCE Workshop: The Strategy Process 4 Mar:  Plaisterers' Hall
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Education Committee


The Education Committee is chaired by Malcolm McCaig. In addition to organising the annual Education Supper, the Committee and its members get involved in other City Livery Education activities including the Sheriff's Challenge and Livery Schools Showcase.

The membership of the Committee comprises Malcolm McCaig (Chair), Dr. Simon Davey, Nick Bush – taking over as Chair in September,  Collette Stone, Ron Cruickshank and Ranil Pereira.

The purpose of the Education Committee is to promote the education and professional development of management consultants, from inspiring a generation of new entrants, to the continuing development of seasoned practitioners.  

The focus for the Education Committee currently consists of two items:

•    Planning, promoting and hosting the Company’s Education Supper;
•    Contributing to the Company’s interaction with Livery Schools.

The committee is currently undergoing a strategic review and further details will be posted here in due course.

We look forward to collaborating with other Livery companies and Livery Schools Link to make a difference in education.