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CMCE Workshop: The Strategy Process 4 Mar:  Plaisterers' Hall
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City Blog


Welcome to our Civic City Blog

Being a Modern Livery Company, we are continually building our role and involvement within the Livery and Civic City as each year passes. The Master regularly represents WCoMC, but many of our members are also involved through their work in the Civic City, such as the City Values Forum or the Financial Services Group. Being Master of a Modern Livery Company is not all it may seem at first glance and taking over the reins can be quite challenging. Some Masters have used this blog to report on how they mixed their Civic City responsibilities with some other activities (such as abseiling down City buildings) that certainly would not appear in the Master's job description (if there were one). Others have not made many entries - it is quite a personal thing.

Now it is time for a wider group to join the conversation! So our revised aim of this blog is to capture as much of our Company involvement as we can and not just that of our Master. Updates will therefore be sporadic!

Please read on ...


A Long Walk off a Short Plank!

That’s how it felt on Friday. An undertaking lightly entered into in May, which was then a long way off and maybe not certain, was now right in front of me!

I agreed to abseil down the Lloyd’s of London building, raising funds for the Lord Mayor’s Appeal and its constituent charities. Many members made donations to my fund raising page, for which the beneficiaries of the charities would be very grateful.

It was 289ft down. I told myself it is no more dangerous than being 50ft above the ground but that didn’t help!

A Great Summer – and Back to London With a Bang!

I hope all members had a good summer season! The weather was very good for us on the whole – just a few wet days, and plenty of warmth.

The return to the desk and/or one’s IT device of choice is always a bang after the summer holidays!

Appreciation from the Dean

Before I went on holiday I, with IPM Geoff Llewellyn, were invited to lunch with the Dean and the COO of Cass Business School. Geoff had recently arranged for Honorary Freeman Jon Moulton to fund a scholarship at the School.

Seeing Us Bring the Olympic Cauldron to the Museum of London

This week saw the installation of the unforgettable London Olympic Cauldron in the City. Our Charitable Trust, with PM Bob Garratt and Assistant Sally Garratt who brought the opportunity to us, made a grant to the Museum of London to fund setting up the famous Cauldron in its new home. 

Ancient and Modern!

A week spanning both! Today’s business challenge, and looking back through the centuries.

The Digital Challenge

I represented the Company at the MCA’s Annual Debate on “Year of Digital”. The Digital Revolution – speed and volume of communications, mushrooming data capture, mobile technology, lots of apps to use the data. In all this is arguably as significant as the Industrial Revolution.

Great New Film from my Oscar Winner Friend!

Secret Sharer opens today (27 June) made by Oscar winning producer Peter Fudakowski I thoroughly recommend it!

I declare an interest – I did my MBA with Peter and we stay in touch.

Peter gave our Class a private viewing of his new film at our latest reunion. It is tremendous. Based on a good story by Joseph Conrad – a writer with great storylines – the acting is excellent and the filming is exceptional. And Peter gave us a fascinating story of the challenges of filming in China!  

Free Again – Thanks To You! - and a Winner of the Champagne!

Many thanks to all those who raised my bail money for the British Red Cross’s benefit. It enabled me to be released from imprisonment in the Tower of London today!

The winner of the exceellent bottle of 2000 Charles Heidsieck champagne generously donated by Berry Brod & Rudd is Assistant Heather Matheson. The blind draw was made by the Beadle, witnessed by the Clerk! 

Tasting Tour Triumph!


I was so excited by the Company’s first Tasting Tour I blogged after the first day! I promised a longer note on our Company’s first venture outside the UK.

Breaking News – The Wine Club Starts Its First Tour!

A despatch from the Front! The Wine Club today embarked on its first Tour in the vineyards. We are in Rasteau in the Rhone Valley and have today completed our first tastings. We're a little tired and emotional and footsore, but this evening's dinner will ease the pain!

These degustations are at small vineyards, selected by our local wine guide, so we are enjoying fabulous scenery as we travel from one characterful wine producer to the next.

I’ll write more when I get home!

10 in 10 – a super-Marathon effort!  

Three Cathedrals and a Memorial (Pun intended!)

Well, actually two Cathedrals and a very old and distinguished Priory Church! But more of that later. In any event, quite an eight days! Forgive me this lengthier blog about this eventful time!

The Civic City has just gone through one of its periods of substantial ceremony. It started with the Lord Mayor’s Dinner for the Masters. 

Have an Excellent Easter Break!

After all the wet and windy Winter we are due some sunny weather and it looks as though it will be here. I hope you are able to take full advantage of it, whereever you are. Let's make up for the Winter travails and have a fine and memorable weekend!

All the best



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