The WCoMC Wine Course (flexible dates):  Self-paced Online
Drinks in the City 6 Nov:  The Conductor, Fleet Street
Click here for our rolling calendar or here for City events

Some Background to the City Livery

Livery Companies are, by their very nature, ancient in tradition — the earliest going back to mediaeval times where as Guilds they controlled their trades or professions. The mediaeval term ‘freeman’ meant someone who was not the property of a feudal lord but enjoyed privileges such as the right to earn money and own land. Town dwellers who were protected by the charter of their town or city were often free: hence the term ‘Freedom of the City'. Indeed from the Middle Ages to the Victorian era, Freedom of the City of London was the right to trade, enabling members of a Guild or Livery to carry out their trade or craft in the square mile. Of course that has evolved but Freedom remains as a unique part of London’s history to which many people who have lived or worked in the City have been proud to be admitted. Becoming a Freeman of a Livery Company is a route to becoming Free of the City of London. We actively encourage our freemen to follow this tradition and become Free of the City and then become Liverymen of our Company.

WCoMC's evolution in terms of our fellowship, education and charitable activity has advanced since our foundation. We are very proud of the impact of our ProBono work that we undertake, involving many of our freemen as either consultants or mentors to the Non-Profit Sector. Through our evolving fellowship, our professional education and learning impact is growing — and we are continually looking for ways to build on this and improve.

WCoMC is a Modern Company, following the City Traditions, aiming to become a truly Great Modern Livery Company. We therefore offer a unique opportunity for those involved in our profession — an opportunity to engage in a very current take on the philanthropic traditions of the Livery through Giving and Gaining with fellow professionals.