Effective Client Engagement 18 Feb:  CMCE Showcase
CMCE Workshop: The Strategy Process 4 Mar:  Plaisterers' Hall
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Assignments and adventures

Members' Articles

Over recent years, our members have contributed a host of articles to our regular monthly newsletters. These articles have covered a wide range of topics, both personal and professional, around their work and travel. They are gathered here under this heading, in reverse chronological order.

We recommend that you use our free-text search to look for particular subjects, authors or items.

Please give us your feedback on any of the articles listed by emailing:  news@wcomc.org


The Mistress writes.... diary of May 2018...

May has been a very busy month: what with the installation of the new Bishop of London and a Garden Party….. to say nothing of a tea party and visits to other Livery Companies’ events.

Liverymen – it’s in your interest to vote in the Sheriffs’ election...!

This year at Common Hall the election of the two Sheriffs is contested, so there is a real choice, and it’s particularly relevant to members of the WCoMC...


Tea in The City....

Two world authorities on Tea – for which they have been auctioneers, brokers and Ambassadors -  instructed us on its marvellous properties....


Nylons and Natter....    

Goggles on - and lab conditions; the Mistress Management Consultant turns another social event into a scientific experiment...

The Urwick Prize 2018...

This year’s winners of the Urwick Prize were presented with the Cup at the Company’s Education Supper on 25 April. 


The Prize commemorates the life and work of Colonel Lyndall Urwick, who was a distinguished writer and thinker on the topic of management in the mid-20th century and the founder of Urwick Orr Management Consultants.

A Procession to commemorate 100 years since the first woman in the UK won the vote....

This will be the largest participatory artwork ever created, as women 'march' down the Mall...!

ETHOS Debate: ...

Is Corporate Governance past its sell-by date?

St Ethelburga's Centre for Reconciliation and Peace...

Service of commemoration upon the 25th anniversary of the Bishopsgate Bomb

They won...!!!

...the final of the 2018 Sheriff’s inter-school London Challenge Debating Competition.  Oasis Hadley Academy, Ponders End, supported by WCoMC...

Sailing Westerly... (or why the Second Warden is missing)...

...we couldn't put it off any longer... and set off on what was planned to be a two season trip around Britain...


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